We must love one another or die

When WH Auden wrote these words in his poem “September 1, 1939”, he could see the world was on a precipice. Having lived for almost a decade in Berlin just before writing this, Auden feared that what he had seen in a limited context was about to sweep the world.

As we find ourselves at a different precipice, where we can only choose either to act or not act, Auden’s sentiments find a new poignancy. Although not explicitly stated, this was where the session, Conscious Capitalism in Business: Rethinking the Way We Do Business, picked up. Professor Thomas Gladwin from the Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan painted a rather bleak picture of where capitalism has gotten us, and where he thought it would inevitably take us, which, in short, was nowhere. In his opinion, unless we disassemble this machine called capitalism, the machine will continue to consume until it consumes itself and everything else around it.

Fortunately, despite the heavy truths in Dr Gladwin’s argument, the other three panelists did not share his grim inevitabilities of the future. Dr Mark Albion, co-founder of Net Impact, and Dr Shubhro Sen and Dr Rajendra Sisodia co-founders of the Conscious Capitalism Institute, presented instead an alternative of hope for the future. For them, capitalism could be redeemed, but only with a measure of fundamental change.

Change, they argued, needed to come about first by rethinking and redefining what the world constitutes as success. They argued that the accepted paradigm that promotes the concepts of Good to Great is fundamentally flawed, and that it is in many ways the perpetuator of our problem. Under this paradigm, companies like Phillip Morris, Fannie Mae, and Circuit City are great. With the lucidity of hindsight, we can see that this was true of none of these. When the metrics only consider income statements for a set amount of years, an incredible amount is overlooked. The “Good to Great” concepts talk about being “long-lasting” and having “longevity”, yet, they only look at a narrow segment of time. Likewise, by only looking at a balance sheet or income statement, only a narrow slice of the costs and benefits are considered. Dr Rajendra Sisodia and the CCI demand that all relevant costs and benefits be considered. He used Phillip Morris as an example and asked just how the incredible costs that tobacco has had on society can be so conveniently externalized, as though they were intangible or inconsequential. Thus, CCI’s new definition of “great” makes the argument that “there are no side effects, just effects”. We can no longer just look at one metric, and ignore the rest – it is no different than looking at company that is hemorrhaging cash in operations, and judging it healthy because of an acceptable metric of net income.

Conscious capitalism argues for a much broader definition of success – one that looks to more than short-term gains. Dr Sisodia used Whole Foods as an example of a company that has prospered tremendously without sacrificing or ignoring sustainability, or social responsibility. In fact, these two factors that the present paradigm often sees as a burden are the very foundation of the company’s success. With policies like a 19:1 ratio for compensation, the company takes on a very balanced view that there has to be a limit to how much more an executive is worth than an entry-level employee. At a peak of three-quarter of a million dollars a year, it would be hard to say that these executives are self-denying philanthropists, but rather they are operating under a compensation scheme that is comprehensible to reason. When executives of other firms are operating at 200:1 ratios, it is hard to find rationale other than unbridled self-interest to justify such compensation.

Conscious capitalism is not anti-wealth; on the contrary, the CCI wants the world to be filled with profitable companies who are intent on increasing wealth. The differentiating factor is that conscious capitalism demands that companies take a longer, more encompassing view of profitability. If “long-lasting” is truly an attribute of a “great” company, then the outlook on success should by definition also be long-lasting.

CSR Solutions: Leveraging Mainstream Experience for Maximum Impact

The most interesting session at the 2010 Net Impact Conference for me personally was a ‘Featured Session’ called ‘CSR Solutions: Leveraging Mainstream Experience for Maximum Impact’. The panellists were experts in supply chain, marketing and strategy for Coca Cola, S.C. Johnson and Avon, respectively. The panel was moderated by Tim Mohin, Director of Corporate Responsibility for AMD.

Each of these professionals came to his current role in CSR by way of functional roles within their firms, and the session was designed to address the gap between the relatively small number of CSR-specific roles – even within the largest global companies – and the growing  number of MBAs interested in pursuing careers in CSR. Each speaker encouraged students to take a functional approach, and emphasized the importance of cross-functional experience. They also highlighted key qualities of successful CSR managers, including diplomacy and communication skills.

I found their comments to be very helpful in developing ideas for my post-grad job search. Each parnelist had a unique career path, but their advice followed along the same lines: Pursue a functional role (marketing, strategy, supply chain, etc.) and find a way to make a difference in your area of specialization. Eventually, you may find a route to a role within your firm’s CSR department.

From Protest to Collaboration

I was very eager to attend the Net Impact conference, to get inspired by forward thinking change happening in the world of sustainability and business. So when Kim Jeffery of Nestle Waters first hit the stage I was disheartened. Who let this guy in? How a respectable sustainability conference could put someone who represented the bottled water industry on this type of pedestal was beyond me. I wrote down my angry questions and refused to listen to any justifications from someone in his position. The only way they could justify being sustainable would be by not existing. If it weren’t for the other amazing panellist (co-author of Cradle to Cradle Bill McDonough) I would have tuned out completely. As the talk went on I slowly calmed down and realized that in fact my anger was pretty unhelpful and instead I pay attention to what was happening. If Bill McDonough was able to listen and approve, maybe there was something worth listening to. What I slowly came to realize is that an industry like bottled water is a reality; instead of protesting and fighting it perhaps we should be looking at ways of making it better. And while in no circumstance is bottled water better than reusable bottles the reality is that there are many people out there who just won’t change their behaviour. I realized then that there’s no point in me being angry in this moment, I had a lot to learn.

This shift in thinking ended up being reflective in many of the speakers I saw at the conference. I heard from a representative from the Airline industry and the Army who were banding together to try to build scale in the emerging alternative fuels industry. How Starbucks invited competing coffee shops like Dunkin Donuts and Tim Horton’s to try to think of solutions for recycling coffee cups. This shift in behaviour all surrounding the issue of sustainability was actually refreshing and created a huge shift in my thinking.  It indicates that many companies care more about their impact on the planet than immediate competitive advantage. They’ve learned that gaining scale through collaboration will get them further than making excuses.

Before I abandon my anger altogether I will say that collaboration alone is not enough. You have to question why these companies are doing anything in the first place. Do you think Starbucks would be proactive about recycling cups if they weren’t met with any public resistance? Do you think the bottled water industry would be working to make their product ‘less bad’ if there wasn’t such a massive uprising against them? Hardly. Ultimately you need a healthy balance of both protest and collaboration in this world to get anything done. While I won’t stop lecturing friends and strangers on why drinking bottled water is ridiculous, I will also take inspiration from Mr. McDonough and try to actually do something about it.

The Rise and Fall of PACE in the US

FHFA, aka the evil empire

At the recent Net Impact Conference in a session on financial innovations and energy efficiency, Joel Freehling (Senior VP, Urban Partnership Bank—formerly Shorebank) made an argument that four financing related issues are blocking energy efficiency projects in the US:

  1. Energy efficiency projects are generally not being financed by commercial lending banks
  2. Low, fixed rate, long-term loans do not exist to the extent necessary. (Governments have loan programs, but these are small. For example, Pennsylvania is the largest state program at 20m in loan-able funds.)
  3. Bad data is a big problem, especially when it comes to the determining the levels both before installation and after installation.
  4. Utility commissions are generally too conservative. Plus, the old incentive problems for utilities are also there still.

To address most of these interrelated issues—all except bad data—PACE Loans were seen as the great solution to get residential efficiency projects financed. PACE provides the type of long-term, fixed rate debt that it complements the cash flows that energy conservation generates. So, what is PACE? Or, perhaps, more sadly, what was PACE?

Property assessed clean energy (PACE) programs enable local governments to finance renewable energy and energy efficiency projects on private property, including residential, commercial, and industrial properties. The model eliminates the chief barrier to clean energy installations: the large upfront cost.  Renewable Funding, About PACE

It is critical to understand that PACE loans are attached to the property, not person who lives in the house or the company that occupies the building. Here is how it works:

States give the local authority permission to issue new bonds. Residents apply to get a loan using the money from the sale of the bonds. The money could be used to finance home efficiency projects or to install new clean energy generation. The new loan would be senior to the mortgage on the property in case of default. Repayment of the loans could be incorporated into the tax bill for the property.

Many states had passed their own version of PACE legislation to allow these funds to begin to flow. However, in July 2010, the Federal Housing Finance Agency (the agency that oversees Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac) issued a letter that said that PACE loans represent “systemic risk”—oh, the irony!—to the US mortgage markets. Therefore, FHFA will not guarantee these loans. Residential PACE markets are virtually frozen waiting for clarification or for Congress to act.

Freehling said that the FHFA action against PACE represents a potential misunderstanding because only a small fraction of the loans are senior to the mortgage—that amount which is due in the year that a default occurs. The rest of the principle and interest are assumed by the new owner of the property and continue to be repaid through the property tax bill. No word yet about whether Congress will act to save the movement. The results from Tuesday’s midterm elections would suggest that they won’t be in a hurry.

Sustainable Excellence: The Future of Business in a Fast Changing World

After listening to Aron Cramer speak during the opening keynote panel discussion, I wanted to learn more about his newly released book entitled “Sustainable Excellence”. I have been a fan of Mr. Cramer’s for a while and think that he is a very articulate speaker. A lawyer and former journalist for ABC news, Aron is currently the president and CEO of Business for Social Responsibility, a global consulting firm that works with companies to develop sustainable business strategies and solutions. Aron was interviewed in a featured session on Friday morning, and I made sure to have a front row seat.

The talk centered around the challenge that CEOs face when making decisions given that markets are so short-sighted. Afterall, the average stock in the US is held for only 11 seconds! Managers are often forced to consider only options with short term results instead of considering the bigger picture. Aron argued that this is one area that regulation could be very effective. Perhaps the SEC (in the States) could change the rules of the game so that managers would have more freedom to make sound medium and long-term decisions. This idea actually isn’t as far fetched as it seems, and has actually been debated before.

To follow on the theme of this year’s conference, “2020: Vision for a Sustainable Decade”, Aron was asked what he thought/hoped sustainable excellence would mean in 10 years. He explained that he hoped the two terms would be redundant. That is, sustainability would be baked into the fabric of business and “excellence” would be assumed. This made me think – how great would it be if the sustainability “movement” didn’t exist in 10 years, but rather was the norm in society like equality for women and civil rights for African Americans?  Aron joked that the surest sign that the movement has taken hold will be when a Chief Sustainability Officer becomes a CEO.

I really enjoyed this talk and was able to speak to Aron afterwords. He is an eternal optimist and remains convinced that the next generation of leaders are up to the challenge. I haven’t read his book yet, but am hoping to over the Christmas break (along with a dozen or so others that are on the list…)

How to Succeed in Cross Sector Collaborations

Session 4: Cross-sector Collaboration

This was a back up session for me. I had wanted to go to a design thinking workshop put on by the folks at IDEO, but it filled up quickly and did not get a seat. I saw this one on the schedule and thought ‘I did not know anything about cross sector collaboration.’  I am glad I did because this turned out to one of the most engaging panels that I saw at the conference.

Cross sector collaborations are alliances between corporations, non-profits and governments. They can involve any two or more of the three types of organizations. According to Harvard, cross sector collaborations are increasingly becoming more long-term and strategic for both parties, moving away from pure philanthropy.

The three panelists in this session concentrated their comments on the softer side of managing cross sector collaborations. When asked what skills one would need to do well at cross sector collaborations, Nora Silver, professor at the Haas School of Business, offered that one “needs to be conversant in the language of all three sectors.” Then, she quickly elaborated: negotiation skills, ability to develop and maintain trust, listening, ability to work with different people, and manage change.

Paul Gerrand with Humana, Inc., an insurance company, agreed and added a few more skills of his own: humility, patience, thoughtfulness, and ability to hold yourself accountable for your actions. Maureen Sedonaen, executive director of the Youth Leadership Institute, followed Paul’s comments with her own list of must-haves for the aspiring leader in this area: ability to understand the motives or intents of others (empathy) and willingness to give genuine praise.  In addition, the manager of cross sector collaborations should value differences and seek small victories along the way. The theme was clear to me. To succeed at managing cross sector collaborations, you had to be high in emotional intelligence.

While we know that management education has never done a great job at training their graduates in the field of emotional intelligence, Silver suggested that business schools may undermine students’ so called ‘soft’ skills. In case studies, for example, your job is to solve the problem as soon as possible with little context or history. Such a pedagogical approach might actually teach students indirectly to be impatient because cases appear to contain all the information you need to solve them on the spot.

In the context of the discussion of the need for trust, Gerrand cited data from the Trust Barometer that showed how in the wake of the recent recession, public trust fell for all three sectors—government, corporate, and nonprofit. (Trust levels have since returned in the latest survey.) Cross sector collaborations were offered as a way to rebuild that trust, but must be done carefully.

Finally, in terms of building your sense of empathy, Gerrand recommended Conscious of a Conservative by Barry Goldwater. In Goldwater’s master work of political nonfiction, he sets out what is widely considered the best case for American conservatism. Liberals often dismiss the right as misguided, but Gerrand believes that such an attitude would undermine one’s ability to work with partners from different sectors.

Tales of Giant Kangaroo Rats and Wind Turbine Health Syndrome

Officially, this session at the recent Net Impact conference was called “Hurdles to Renewable Energy Development in the US,” but the moderator provided me with the much more exciting title you see above. Moderator Ian Black opened the session with his story of a failed renewable power project in California. To listen to his version of the story, one might think that the giant kangaroo rats single handedly stopped the project. Actually, his tongue in cheek complaint about the small fuzzy mammal arose from the fact the

Giant Kangaroo Rat

Climate enemy #1: the giant kangaroo rat in his natural habitat

rodent is on the endangered species list. When all attempts to work around the habitat failed and moving the population was not an option, Black decided to kill the carbon-lite power project before it had even broken ground. The story comically indicated his frustration with the regulatory permitting process in the US and implicitly suggested that more renewable power could have been installed by now if it were not for the Endangered Species Act and all of the similar environmental red tape.

Indeed, permitting timelines differ greatly by state, from Texas (under six months) to California (over two years). The lesson to learn for the aspiring MBA hoping to get into renewable energy development was be patient and maybe reconsider your career selection if you are not the patient type. Regulations define the process of citing and developing, say, a new wind farm from start to finish.

If that’s not bad enough, Chip Reading (Director of Development, North American Wind, Acciona) introduced something called ‘Wind Turbine Health Syndrome,’ an alleged disorder that he had hoped to disprove by bringing in medical experts to state that such a thing does not exist. Reading indicated the disorder was simply a tactic that communities use to oppose the development of a new project in their area. The overriding theme for session was that the developer must struggle against NIMBY and BANANA (build absolutely nothing anywhere near anything) communities. However, beyond these games of cat and mouse, I took away some gems of knowledge from this session about the state of renewable power in the US.

The currently low price of natural gas is making renewable power projects less profitable because they must compete with new natural gas fired turbines. But most renewable generation also uses natural gas as a source of backup power in the case of a shortage of the renewable. Thus, the two competing technologies appear to have a love/hate relationship.

Another extremely important topic was the pending decision in California about whether the state will lift the cap on out-of-state produced renewable power (to 50% from 25% currently) to meet their renewable energy targets. If the deal goes through, there will be many effects. Idle wind capacity in Oregon could be put to use. Of course, BC Hydro would like to market their cheap carbon-free electricity to California at premium clean power rates, but hydro power does not count under California’s 20% by 2010 standard.

However, for me, some of the most interesting ideas were in the area of storage. Wind turbine manufacturers are developing new ways to store and slowly release the stored energy to smooth out supply. One idea is to pump compressed air into on-turbine chambers, or into limestone caves, and feed it back at night or at low wind periods. Another storage technique: make hydrogen with the extra capacity at night.

The problem with plastic water bottles

Keynote: William McDonough, author of Cradle to Cradle & Kim Jeffery, CEO of Nestlé Water, North America

“It’s a design problem.”

That’s what William McDonough said as he patiently explained his work with Nestlé Water North America on rethinking their packaging. McDonough, along with Michael Braungart is the author of the book Cradle to Cradle, an inspiring call for industrial transformation to a world where the very concept of waste is eliminated.  McDonough shared the stage with Kim Jeffery, CEO of Nestlé Water North America as Friday morning’s keynote address at the recent North American Net Impact Conference.

Nestlé Water hired McDonough’s firm to help them design a system to increase the recycling of the ever present plastic bottle. The talk covered everything from why caps are not recyclable along with the bottle to the virtues of drinking water instead of pop. CEO Jeffery probably knew that this audience was not going to welcome his company with open arms. So, the talk started with Jeffery explaining how the market for bottled water has developed over the last 20 years and the fact that their sales have largely eaten into the sales of companies like Coke and Pepsi. While perhaps this group of savvy business students should have been more appreciative of the power of the market, no one was buying the line that Nestlé Water was our savior in a transparent plastic bottle.

Indeed, the bottle itself was on the stand and the charge was unacceptable levels of waste. To many in this Nalgen carrying crowd, the solution was simple: just refill your reusable water bottle from the tap or filtered water jug and don’t buy bottled water. When Jeffery was asked why not encourage the use of reusable bottles, the auditorium erupted in applause. Meanwhile, Jeffery became visible defensive in front of the crowd of 2000 as he repeated his description of his company’s reusable five gallon bottle commercial service from earlier in the talk and ignored the obvious intend of the question to probe at the retail level.

However, despite the emotion, I think that Jeffery had made an important commitment. One that went, perhaps, under recognized at the time. As CEO of a major bottled water manufacturer, he expressed his clear support for the sector taking financial responsibility for their product packaging. While this is not a revolutionary idea in Europe where some countries have laws to require manufacturers to take back their products at the end of their useable lives, I believe it is a significant position to take in North America and represents an important sign of how far the industry has come.

By the end of the talk, I came to have a much better appreciation for the difficulty of the challenge of increasing recycling. The states and sometimes municipalities have each taken their own approach to recycling creating a fragmented system that does not have a unified way of handling returned plastics. Meanwhile, the recycling rates have actually fallen in the US over the last 20 years. Just what it will take to change people’s behavior is not an easy question. And while bottle bills work, Jeffery feels that they are not scalable to cover all of bottles. Retailers are not set up to handle returns. Bills were written to deal with litter, not address the failure of residential recycling programs.

Still, though, I am hopeful that McDonough and his team can come up with something better and that Nestlé will retain their commitment to fixing recycling in America.

Hello, Ann Arbor

At the end of this month, some members of the UBC Chapter of Net Impact will travel to Ann Arbor for the Net Impact North American Conference. Fourteen MBAs from Sauder School of Business will make the trip. We will use this blog to share our experiences at the conference. Look for updates as the conference begins  on Oct 28.