Workshop Outline

Workshop on New Media, New Literacies, and New Forms of Learning

December 15, 2011

Sponsors: The University of British Columbia, GRAND Centre of Excellence, The Institute of Education
Organizers: Caroline Haythornthwaite (UBC), Richard Andrews (IoE), Robin Goodfellow (Open U.), Mary Hamilton (Lancaster)

9:30-10:00: Coffee & Registration
10:00-10:15: Opening Remarks
10:15-11:30: Session 1: Frameworks for New Literacy
11:30-11:45: Tea
11:45-1:00: Session 2: Mobility and Literacy
1:00-2:00: Lunch
2:00-3:15: Session 3: Emergent Trends
3:15-3:30: Tea
3:30-4:30: Plenary: Trend Watching

Session 1: Frameworks for New Literacy

1 Mary R. Lea Digital literacies: competing discourses and practices in higher education
2 Rosemary Luckin Cognitive tools for epistemic engineering
3 Robin Goodfellow and Chris Jones The academy and the digital: knowledge, practices, devices
4 Jon Dron and Terry Anderson In with the in crowds [5 minutes]

Session 2: Mobility and Literacy

6 Agnes Kukulska-Hulme Smart learning with mobile devices?
7 John Traxler Identity and context – the reader and the read
8 Julia Gillen Rethinking literacies, learning and research methodology around archaeology in a virtual world
9 Eric Meyers A comment on learning: media literacy practices in YouTube [5 minutes]
10 Norbert Pachler What is happening to literacy? [PRESENTER AND RESPONDENT

Session 3: Emerging Trends

11 Martin Davies Computer-aided argument mapping: an educational revolution?
12 Lesley Gourlay Cyborg literacies and the posthuman text
13 Shane Dawson Analytics to literacies: emergent learning analytics to evaluated new literacies
14 Jude Fransman Assembling texts in the digital university [5 minute]
15 Rebecca Eynon On the periphery? The social and educational implications for those who are not savvy Internet users [5 minute]

Session 4: Trend Watching

Dawson, Davies Analytics
Dron, Meyers Co-Evolution
Luckin, Haythornthwaite Expansive learning
Barton, Andrews Literacies & Discourses
Pachler, Traxler Mobility & Ubiquity
Hamilton, Goodfellow New themes

New Literacy Themes.

1. Literacies and Discourses. Widening our understanding of literacy to respond to multi-modal communication and rapid changes in media, modes and communication.

2. Co-evolution of literacy and technology. Widening our understanding of socio-technical processes to address ideas of technology-enhanced learning and examination of emergent, perhaps unexpected configurations of learning, context and technology.

3. Expansive Learning. Widening our understanding of learning production to include new and emergent knowledge and identities, and our understanding of roles in learning production.

4. Mobility and Ubiquity. Widening our understanding of the implications and impacts of learning in different sites and sectors, and how these combine as a whole to promote literacy in a knowledge society engaged in ubiquitous learning.

5. Analytics. Widening the feedback, evaluation and assessment of learning and learning processes by defining, validating and creating infrastructures for enhanced data collection and presentation.