Monday May 16th, 9:00-10:15 – Victoria Carrington


Keynote address (in DLC – main meeting room)
Victoria Carrington

New Literacies – Key Shifts and Emerging Issues

This presentation is most particularly concerned with the link between literacy, technology, identity and culture. Using a range of texts produced and used both online and offline, it examines the implications of the shift towards what Henry Jenkins (2006) calls a participatory culture. The ‘hidden curriculum’ of this emerging cultural frame values particular skills sets, knowledges and practices around a range of media. This paper suggests that the out of school literacy practices – those practices which involve the use of technologies to produce texts of various textures within a social context – of many young people reflect the contours and requirements of this participatory culture rather than those rewarded by school-based curricula. Interestingly, many of these new practices and skills are somewhat different from those inculcated via traditional print-based literacy socialization. This shift brings with it a range of opportunities and challenges along with a set of implications for the ways in which we, as educators, conceptualise the literacy curriculum and the pedagogies we deploy.
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1 Response to Monday May 16th, 9:00-10:15 – Victoria Carrington

  1. Diane Collier says:


    Issues of gender, identity, consumption – Livingstone (2008) talks about constructing identity through display and constructing identity through connections.

    “Remix is the literacy of the 21st century”(Lessig, 2009). Is it?

    How do we want children to participate in the digital world? How can schools help children to participate in a ReadingWriting culture. Ethically? Responsibly?

    Victoria’s question: Where does the field of literacy/education literacy research start and finish? When does it become media studies? Does it matter?
    – Kim, Genevieve & Diane

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