In response to my question as to what he would do to make sure that all students receive fair and equitable access t proper schools, Mike Lombardi (who is running for a Vision Vancouver Nomination) had this to say:
Facebook | VSB Facilities Review: Flawed and Unconvincing
As a school trustee I would advocate for changes to the provincial funding policies. As you know, provincial funding policies were changed by the BC Liberal government, taking away the base amount for a school regardless of size. This change in policy, along with underfunding of education, has created a climate for boards of education to look to cutting costs by closing schools and consolidating into larger schools as a matter of economy of scale. These policies ignore other social and environmental costs that should be factored into sound public policy.
You know that the government has put pressure on the VSB to close schools and sell property in order to build new schools because of population shifts in the district. The minister has denied this, but the ministry policy of facilities explicitly states this.
The government has demanded 110% of capacity in secondary schools in a district before it will permit the building of a new school in a new population area. This has led to districts “reconfiguring” schools in order to produce the full schools in the district as a whole that would allow for the building of a new school.
I would work with other supportive trustees, parents, partner groups, and community organizations to lobby for changes to the existing guidelines.