Youngest Trustee to Try His Chances in Vancouver

Young trustee won’t run again locally

School board trustee Stepan Vdovine will not be running for the Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows board of education in November’s election, but might be on a Vision Vancouver slate of candidates for the Vancouver school board.

He said although he feels for the district because of the upcoming challenges – because of declining numbers, some schools in the district might have to be closed – he feels there are a number of strong candidates running for the board of education in Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows.

NPA Trustee Joins Vision Vancouver


VANCOUVER – Vancouver School Trustee Eleanor Gregory has resigned her membership in the NPA and joined Vision Vancouver. Gregory says she is committed to helping Gregor Robertson and Vision Vancouver in the upcoming election.

“While I have already endorsed Robertson for Mayor, I have decided to actively support his candidacy and felt it best that I severe ties with the NPA. Gregor represents a unique opportunity for our city and my priority is to do what I can you assist his campaign.”

Gregory says that the time is right for her to leave the NPA.

“The NPA is clearly in turmoil and I don’t need to be involved.”