Wealth Advisory Seeks NPA Endorsement for School Board

Heather Holden, PhD, Wealth Advisor

Former National University of Singapore assistant professor of geography seeks the NPA nod for School Board.

For the curious here’s a version of her academic c.v. that was found thanks to a Google cache. It’s a small thing -perhaps only appreciated by academics- but why does she call her self a former “Professor” of geography when the correct label would be former Assistant Professor of Geography? Her three year appointment at the National University of Singapore seems to have led to some interesting work that has clearly informed most of her subsequent work, though the wealth advisor is a stretch away from real-time scientific research and is likley what makes her an appealing candidate for the NPA.

Stephan Vodine seeks Vision Nomination

UBC student seeks Vision nomination

The youngest politician ever elected to the Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows school board is eyeing a trustee seat in Vancouver this fall.

Stepan Vdovine, a political science student at UBC, plans to run for a Vision Vancouver nomination. He sits on the party’s education committee.

The 23-year-old, who has a Russian and German background, has lived in Canada for almost 10 years. He speaks three languages and graduated from Thomas Haney secondary in Maple Ridge, but Vancouver has been his home for nearly two years. He works for Capers.

Rebuilt Secondary School by 2011, 2nd Elementary School 2 Years After That


By Jill Philipchuk, Principal UHS

Last night (June 25, 2008) at a special meeting of the Board, a motion was passed to renovate the NRC building into a new secondary school by 2011. This renovation would occur once an agreement with the Ministry is finalized to do a land transfer of the Anne Hebert site to the Francophone School District. Queen Elizabeth Annex will remain open but will become a single track primary French Immersion school. There are also other details that are part of the motion – details will be posted on the VSB website.

But – the bottom line – is that I feel confident that we will have a new school.

Several trustees commended our parents and our students for their presentations at past meetings – particularly the last one. They also commented several times about the need to try as hard as possible to expedite the time line.

So — thank you to all of the parents who worked so hard to show the trustees the need for a new school. Your time and effort are much appreciated. Mark Dale (VSB Director of Planning and Facilities) said at the meeting last night that feasibility studies will begin immediately. I expect that over the next few months parents, staff and students will be asked for input so that the new school will best meet our needs.

Thank you to all of you!

Early Learning Centres -are they part of the UBC deal

The VSB’s educational facilities review (EFR) includes the suggestion that a transfer of property from the school board to the province will lead to new schools at UBC sometime in the next 4-5 years.

Rumours abound about what is happening. In emails sent to U Hill parents trustees, including Al Blakey, Ken Denike, and Sharron Gregson, have implied -without actually stating outright- that big things are around the corner. There has been a suggestion, which first arrived at a VSB committee II meeting just under two weeks ago that the Premier wants to use three (or four) VSB schools for new early learning centres. It seems that this might have something to do with the rebuilding of UBC schools.

We may well be witness to a PR event June 25 as opposed to a normal school board meeting that is to vote on the EFR.

Vancovuer Courier Article on VSB Final Proposal

QE annex may dodge the wrecking ball. UBC Schools Delayed

Recommendations spark mixed reactions
Naoibh O’Connor, Vancouver Courier
Published: Friday, June 13, 2008

Reaction was mixed to school board recommendations unveiled Wednesday night that would save a West Side school from closure, while promising new schools near UBC.

The recommendations are part of a final report on the first phase of the district’s educational facilities review, which targets the Dunbar area.

Initial recommendations proposed shutting down Queen Elizabeth annex and selling the land to pay for renovations at UBC’s National Research Council building, which would be turned into a high school. University Hill secondary would then be modernized and converted into an elementary.