Do we have what we want?!
Most of us are used to say, “Yes, I want it, I like it.” But besides these, we also talk and think about what we don’t want.
In today’s world, fighting against the things we do not want is very common. For example, we are fighting against poverty, violence, inequality, war, cancer, and many other things that we don’t like, but we do not realize is that we are making them more pronounced. Perhaps this is because many of us are unaware of the power of the Law of Attraction, and ignore its impact on our lives.
The Law of Attraction tells us that we create what we think about. Focusing on what we do not want and struggling to eliminate them will increase their energy and we attract more of them.
A traditional common saying was: ” When you have a fear of something it‘ll surely happen to you.”
The reason you get whatever you’re afraid of is that by doing so, the message we send to the world is, “No, I don’t want it, and I’m uncomfortable with it, like the feeling I have right now.” The Law of Attraction receives it with a powerful force and returns it back to you with greater speed and intensity. Because the law of attraction cannot determine what you want or don’t want. It only receives your thought and feeling and sends you similar experiences.
What can we do now? Now that our lives are full of contradictions and struggles, what can we do to change our lives?
You’d better get inside yourself and send new messages to the world with your thoughts and feelings so that the Law of Attraction will create new images for you.
Resistance and struggle for what we do not want and what has happened is a futile effort. Doing so will give your thoughts more energy and power and make it more repetitive in your life. That way, things you don’t like are getting bigger.
People think that if they have a problem in life they should think about it so that they can solve it. But it is not reasonable that we spend all our energy on problems and make them bigger when in fact, we can spend our energy and thought focusing on trust, love, abundance, or education and peace.
Mother Teresa said: “I will never take part in anti-war demonstrations. But if you stage a demonstration for peace, let me know.” She understood the secret of the law of attraction, and with that awareness she was able to make a difference in the world.
So if you’re against war, be there for peace. If you’re against hunger, advocate abundance. If you’re against some politician, join the opposition. Often those nominees win the elections to whom the highest number of people are in opposition, that’s it because they have received all the energy of the opposition.
According to Charles Hanel: “Remember that this sentence is one of the most difficult and superb expressions to understand this. It doesn’t matter what, where or who your problem is. The main problem is you yourself. All you have to do is think about the truth you want to manifest in the world.”
What to do with negative news?!
By focusing on the negative, you can’t help anyone, because you think about them and you increase them. When negative images emerge, immediately consider them as a sign to change your mind and try to generate new, opposite feelings.
You may want to know about the world news and stories. It’s okay, but just do not immerse yourself in the events. All you have to do is to send a message of love and health wherever you are.
When an accident occurs, we read the newspapers more. The audiences of the broadcasters reach the maximum number after a disaster. So news channels and newspapers mostly give us bad news, because we want more bad news. So we are the cause and the news media the effect. In fact, it is the law of attraction that does so.
Learn calmness, think right, and let the hungry world be filled with your positive thoughts and peace.
Do you realize that you have unique abilities in this world? By focusing on your abilities and good things, you experience the best of emotions and create more value for yourself and those around you so you can help the world.
It is not your job to change the world or those around you. Your job is to swim in the streams of life in the world and try to show your best and enjoy it and be happy.
Don’t get frustrated with what’s going on in your life and against your will. Accept your responsibility toward them, learn from them, then release them and strive to change your world.
There is enough goodness and abundance for everyone in the world. The good things in the world will never end. Abundance is part of the principles of “secret” and the law of attraction. And the mindset that there are limitations and shortcomings and that many people are forced to be deprived of it is basically derived from observing only the external situation and the notion that everything is made from the outside. With this mindset, you will definitely experience shortages and limitations. But now with the law of absorption you know that everything comes from within us, including our emotions and thoughts. Your mind has the power to create everything, so how can there be a shortage?
You have been given amazing power to create the life you want. There is no limit to your thoughts, you just need to cultivate your thoughts so that you can create what you want. And believe that enough of everything exists for everyone. You just have to go toward it.
Amir Sharifi is a sophisticated instructor of the Law of Attraction, Love and Wealth and the manager of the Mental Development website in Iran. He is the most skilled instructor of the Law of Attraction in Iran.
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