
BC Hydro vs. First Nations: how to end the dispute?

BC Hydro’s $8-billion Site C hydroelectric megaproject has faced an ongoing dispute with First Nations chiefs, as the project is likely to create adverse effects on fishing opportunities and practices for the First Nations.

Threat to BC Hydro’s Key Activities

As an electric utility company, one of BC Hydro’s key activities is to distribute electricity to customers in British Columbia, and the only way they can expand is by constructing more power plants and hydroelectric dams.

Unfortunately, despite of the growing demand from Victoria’s residents, the project conflicts with First Nation’s constitutions acts. Thus, the company is facing a great predicament to satisfy customers’ demands but at the same time comply with the laws.

This social and political pressure puts the company at risk to make the right choice. An erroneous decision can dampen BC Hydro’s corporate image and even charge penalty if the company is unaware of the exact rules and regulations.

To Continue or Not to Continue 

With the ongoing stakeholder conflict between BC Hydro’s managers and First Nations chiefs, it would be difficult to resolve by themselves. The opposing groups can invite an arbitrator to negotiate faster and more fairly. This should be done as soon as possible because time costs money. BC Hydro must immediately satisfy its customers’ demand to build a positive customer relationship.


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