
Hotels Embracing Mobile Technology

Speed and convenience are two of the most vital factors in the hotel industry. People want to check-in quickly, especially after those long hour flights and when having a tight holiday/business schedule. Nowadays, hotels embrace smartphone technology for check-in process.

As part of their Business Technology Management, some hotels have started to launch a smartphone app for checking in as well as room keys. Marriott Hotels, in particular, has launched a virtual mobile app check-in service that would allow customers to check in the day before arrival and notify them when the room is ready.

Does Technology Comprise Customer Relationship?

This article has enlightened me on how technology is now a rather mandatory asset that every business must invest on if they were to survive in this competitive world.  In fact, research shows that one in every 5 people in the world own a smartphone, one in 17 own a tablet!

However, an issue to be considered is, will technology disrupt customer relationship? How can businesses provide personal and memorable service if everything is via technological mediums? I believe that hotels must thoroughly understand who their target customers are and what they want to decide whether conventional or modern system satisfies their customers better.

In the long run, I believe, competitive advantage for most businesses greatly rely on technological innovation, as we live in a digital era. Information technology goes beyond development of convenient services – it also helps businesses to systematically keep records of customer data and other critical information in the company.


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