Video Assignment Reflection

Starbucks Coffee Video Assignment!

We are Team 9. Our team chose Starbucks as our company to analyze its marketing situation. Marketing plan assignment is a good way to learn from teammates and practice for midterm/final. I have a lot of fun working with my teammates during three assignments. I really appreciated all the other teammates’ work a lot more. During three team assignments, i improve my team-work, communication, and wirting skills a lot. And I also learned the tech skills of recording sound and making video by using the computers and equipments in CLC.

Our group completed first two assignments quickly and effectively. In the video assignment, one problem our team had is that setting a time to meet is very difficult becuase of everyone’s different schedule. Even so, everyone shows up on time and does a great job in putting ideas together. And our team felt limited by the video’s length’s limitation. We had a lot of good contents at the beginning, but some of them was cut because of the limitation; we all felt regretable about it.