The maps below highlight the different categories required for an environmental impact analysis.
Below is a hypothetical memo in support of the project’s continuation:
I have reviewed the project proposal for the Garibaldi at Squamish ski resort and Whistler Blackcomb’s objections to the project. I have also completed my own environmental assessment of the project area and have come to my own conclusions. Although I had originally opposed the project, after my own assessment I believe that the project will not have any large environmental impact. My analysis has included the following steps:
- Sourced data about the topography, river systems, road networks, ungulate winter range, old growth forests, provincial park boundaries, and any red listed species
- Cropped all data and retained only data pertinent to the proposed project area
- Determined the areas that will be above and below the snow line (600m)
- Plotted all environmentally sensitive areas and calculated their respective areas
- Produced a simplified map displaying all environmentally sensitive areas that will hamper the project
One of Whistler Blackcomb’s major concerns was that there would not be enough snowfall to sustain another ski resort and their analysis concluded that 600m is the snowline for the project area. Although this is a valid point, only 32% of the project area is below 600m and the majority of this area is environmentally sensitive that cannot be developed anyways. In totality, 53% of the proposed project contains environmentally sensitive areas.
There are two major concerns that I have with the project. The first is the possible damage to red-listed species habitats. This can be mitigated by not building ski runs below 600m, where most of these habitats are. The other major concern is to ungulate winter ranges, which are mostly above 600m. The majority of these areas appear to be near rivers and I think they can be avoided as the ski runs cannot cross over a river.
Overall, after reviewing the proposal, reviewing objections, and conducting my own assessment, I have come to the conclusion that you should support the project’s progressions.
Although this hypothetical memo supports the project, it is a not my own personal view. After conducting this analysis it is clear to me that the environmental damage that will be done by this project will outweigh the economic benefits that it brings. If I was working on this project I have would have the option to continue the work, but go against my morals in order to keep my job, or quit and stick to my morals.
Accomplishment Statement
Applied the 7 stages of data visualization to my project: acquiring, parsing, filtering, mining, representing, refining and interacting with the data.