Subway Advertisement by The Onion

The Onion, a website known for pushing the limits with tasteless humor has gone over board with their newest advertisement. On September 6th 2013 The Onion released an ad for Subway, the popular sub/sandwich company, making a reference to the twin tower bombings, also known as 9/11. “Fly on in for subtember 11th. You will never forget this deal”, stated the ad. In addition the price for two foot long subs is $9.11. The ad was followed by a fake statement by Subway president Fred DeLuca, stating the facts given in the ad. Subway later tweeted “Like everyone, we are deeply offended by the fake story and ad created by The Onion.”

The Onion’s actions were highly unethical because they offended many people, some of which were affected by 9/11. Many loyal readers may have taken offence to the ad and decided to switch to another source of entertainment.

– Anyone with shares in the company Subway
– The employees of Subway
– The editors of The Onion
– The friends and family of victim’s of 9/11
– Anyone who has been affected by 9/11

What should the stakeholders do?
– The Onion should make a public apology for this highly offensive advertisement.
– Subway should take The Onion to court for any financial loss that arose from the offensive advertisement (people losing loyalty to Subway).
