Songs about the ocean make me happy.

Because they make me think of here. Now you should know that I also have – pause to count ’em – 27 playlists on iTunes based on mood, lyrics and activity. Possibly even day. i.e. Mood: Sleepy (Okay not so weird) Lyrics: NYC (What? There’s a lot of songs that are related to the Big Apple and I like to conveniently listen to them altogether) Activity: Running (Reasonable playlist) Day: Saturday. (Really happy music to wake me out of bed and be all “There’s goodness in the world let’s smile and get stuff done!”) Pathetic, but true. What gets you in a good mood?

Recently I’ve noticed that I’m listening to a lot of songs with the ocean mentioned in them. And they make me happy because I think of how just down my hall when I look out the window and Oh what’s that? The ocean.

So today this girl I know, who came from Ontario, returned back to rez. She asked me if, when I went back home for the holidays, if I felt like permanently staying back at home, as if I was just swept up with the comfort and nostalgia and how easy it would be not to come back out here. [Editor’s note: This post is in no way directed to this girl]. And my first thought was something along the lines of “NO. Why ever would you want to do that?”
I agree that the safety and comfort of home has it perks. Have I mentioned home cooked food? But yes, I’m lucky to even have parents with quite decent abilities of cooking.

But it made me think of my brother and how he used to tell me “If you’re bored, you’re just a boring person.” As in, there’s no use feeling lonely when all you have to do is just go out and meet people. There’s no use being bored when you can do something. Your experience is up to you. Skpe more if you miss your family. Call. But it seems like laziness is hindering some people’s university experience too. I understand that maybe not everyone is having an ah-may-zing (maybe with some extra spicy Italian zing) time ALL THE TIME. But newsflash: this is university. Some (hopefully most) of us are here for an education. Sure we all get caught up in a little UBC bubble. It happens. I’m sorry I can’t sympathize with people who don’t find it quite second home-esque here or even first home.

Don’t get me wrong, I get that it’s a huge jump and you have to take a risk. And maybe moving across the country didn’t work out. I met a great guy here but he moved back to the Atlantic coast. Do what you need to do. On both sides, don’t pretend like everyone is having the same experience as you. I’m just here to tell you about my experience. My experience being that everyday it actually kind of amazes me how I can’t imagine going anywhere else. Yeah, I get that the rain can be a little depressing. And so on one of the worst rainy days I’ve seen I will leave you with this wonderful little statistical fact my RA told me:

People who smile, laugh and tell themselves (SLASH/ Pretend) to be happy, causes the release of endorphins that actually make you happy.

It’s so crazy, it might just work. New playlist: Pacific Ocean.