Colleague’s Inquiry Findings; Day 2

Last Monday the remainder of inquiry presenters took the stage to present their inquiry projects, myself included. While I was eager to present my findings to the class, I was also greatly looking forward to seeing what my friends had done and learning from them!

Some interesting things that I learned during the presentations were:

1. When you have students who are dealing with a loss (of any type) you are meant to walk with them in their journey and be with them as a support, you should not force them to talk- they will do this when they are ready. Do not offer phrases such as “it will pass” or “time heals all”.
2. Their is a difference between grief and mourning. Grief is the inward feelings, while mourning is the outward expression of the grief.
3. There is no research that proves that their is a correlation between homework and academic success.
4. Music is learning! I found this inquiry to be particularly moving- very inspirational.
5. If you try to address cultural diversity and student interests student motivation will be increased as the students believe that you care!

All in all I think everyone did an amazing job!

1 thought on “Colleague’s Inquiry Findings; Day 2

  1. There were some very insightful presentations with a lot of take aways for your future teaching practice! It is so important to share with colleagues and learn from them!

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