Week 2 of Extended Practicum- Getting the hang of things

Tuesday was a good day- I taught poetry and math, both lessons went quiet well. The students were a little hard to manage with the sugar highs and excitement from their long weekend, but were starting to get back into the groove of things again near the end of the day. Wednesday was also a bit of a hectic day- We had our class photos, I had a formal observation from my FA and I also coached my first day of track and field after school. I really enjoyed seeing all of my grade 4/5’s dressed up in their fancy outfits- we even had a couple of heels and ball gowns! Amazing! My formal observation from my FA also went really well. Starting my lesson I already knew that I was going to be interrupted by the announcement to come down for our class photo, so I pre-emptively took out a part of my lesson (a game) in order to make the lesson and transition into class photos easier. In the end the photographer was running late and we never got interrupted! Thursday went well also, I did a morning poetry activity with the kids (writing limericks) and it turned out quiet well. I did a similar lesson last Thursday and had made some changes based on how that lesson went and really noticed a difference. For example I made the criteria very specific giving the type of poem they should write, the topic, etc. and also including a graphic organizer for the poem to help them stay on track. I also taught math and was formally observed by my SA, it went quiet well- I was focusing on time management, as that was an aspect of my last observation that we spoke about. I set a timer for myself on my phone to keep track of where I was in my lesson versus where I was on my lesson plan. I found that this worked quiet well and my SA was very happy with my improvement! Friday was a bit of a quieter day for me. This week I was teaching 3 subjects (Math, HACE and LA) and on Fridays there is no LA or HACE blocks so I was only teaching Math, and it was a quiz day! All in all the quiz went well, I stayed late to mark it and none of the kids need to do a re-write so I am extremely happy about that! On Friday the student teachers also had a meeting with our school principle, it was sort of like a pep-talk to get us pumped on the reminder of our 10 week practicum. I also found out after school on Friday that I will be getting a new student on Monday- a new little guy originally from the interior but had moved to Burnaby and had switched schools twice their, so he is now onto school #4 this year. I am interested to see the inclusion process, how my SA will handle bringing in a new student and how my students will take on the challenge of making him feel warm and welcome! It is a good thing that we are doing a FRIENDS lesson on Monday! 🙂

1 thought on “Week 2 of Extended Practicum- Getting the hang of things

  1. It sounds like your second week was very successful with continuous improvement and reflection. It was great that the principal called you all together to encourage you! New students are always a challenge to integrate, assess, and help become part of the school community in a successful, supportive way.

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