Timberline- Camping with the Grade 5s

The past week was a whirl wind!

Monday was a fairly regular day- I taught Math, LA, Hace and Science. My lessons went off without a hitch! Their was a lot of excitement in the air as the grade 5s were off to Timberline camping the next day and the 4s were going to be in new classrooms for the next 2 days!

Timberline camping was awesome! I was up super early to be at the school at 7:00am to get the kids on the bus… the morning was filled with excitement and anticipation and only 2 kids with tears! When we got to Timberline it was beautiful! My fellow ST and I were manning the orienteering activity station, it was a lot of fun! We introduced the compass to the kids and showed them how it can be used. We then did a practice “treasure hunt” as a group, and then the kids were paired up and sent out to create their own treasure hunt (complete with hidden candy at the end). Once they were finished they would trade their maps with another group and then the new groups would use the directions to find their buried ‘treasure’! It was a hoot! Unfortunately, right after our last activity group came through the sky clouded over and it down-poured! The kids were totally unaffected by the rain and happily swam in the pool and played in the field. Due to the rain we were unable to have a camp fire but the school counsellor had joined us on the trip and was able to play some SEL/team building games with the kids instead- they all seemed unfazed by missing the fire and enjoyed the games a lot.

My two highlights were:
1). The food 🙂 soo yummy
2). Seeing the kids in their element- it was so great to get to know them better and see their personalities coming out more and more!

On Friday, I was a volunteer judge for the math celebration at a local elementary school. It was really great to get to work with students from other schools and be part of such a great event! The teams that went from my school got silver and gold ribbons! It was a pretty great afternoon!


1 thought on “Timberline- Camping with the Grade 5s

  1. It really was a whirlwind and sounds like you managed it beautifully! It is amazing to relate to kids as kids in a camping setting and find the strengths you may have missed prior! It is also wonderful to go into the greater community to experience other schools, ideas, kids and strengths! That truly is what makes teaching a wonderful career. Nothing stays the same!! There is always more to learn!

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