Half way through extended practicum!

The past 2 weeks have been extremely exciting and extremely busy!

Last week I started teaching 100% of the time. I actually found the transition to be beneficial to me, as I feel like I am more comfortable and confident when I have more control over my day and the class. My lessons that week went off without a hitch.. it was a fairly normal week, except on Friday it was school ride “reading day” in which influential members of the community came to read books to the kids. It was a pretty amazing day that started out with me performing a readers theatre in front of the whole school at the morning assembly, and ended with my class and I lounging on the playground equipment in the sun reading in silence. Pretty cool.

The next week (this week) I had my mid point review. I found it to be a pretty enjoyable experience! It was great to be able to talk to both my SA and FA at the same time and to hear them interact about how they think I am doing was a great experience for me. On Wednesday I accompanied my school to the regional track meet where I spent the whole day manning the finish line and handing out ribbons! It was quite the day and man was I sore the next day, but it was all worth it to be able to cheer my kids at the finish line!

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