Light at the end of the tunnel- Week 7 of 10

This week was a pretty busy one for me.

I finished up a few units, began a few units, and had some units in full swing! I ended my math measurements unit and moved onto geometry. To introduce the idea I took my kids out for a “geometry walk”… We all went outside and searched for shapes and patters that were naturally occurring in our surroundings (playground, building, trees, etc).  I also started a dance unit in gym! The class was very receptive to the idea, which was awesome! The first lesson went really well- we played freeze dance, learnt about spacing and timing by learning the Macarena, and played a cool down stretching game. My science unit is in full swing, on Tuesday of next week we are going to play land for their Science Day of Fun program! I know that the kids are really excited and I can’t wait to see them in their zone! Also, planning this field trip has taught me so much regarding what it takes to plan a successful field trip. French we are still working on our plays and the kids started making their masks, they seem to be coming along nicely :)! In LA we are doing lit circles- I really think that the kids are enjoying it.. they stay on task for the majority of the discussion group time and seem to be putting effort into completing their response packets. I am liking doing lit circles as well, it is really easy to manage once you set it up, the only draw back is that it is a little hard to assess. Also, I had my final observation from my FA.. I cannot believe how fast time is going by!

1 thought on “Light at the end of the tunnel- Week 7 of 10

  1. This week and the field trip planned sound like so much fun and great learning experiences for you! It is wonderful that you are enjoying the great parts of teaching!

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