CFE- Week #2

I originally chose to request that my CFE placement be at Star of the Sea elementary school in White Rock because of my interest in exploring the independent school system as well as my history with the school itself. I grew up in the Star of the Sea Parish and attended catechism classes every Tuesday and Thursday from grades 1-7 at the elementary school.

Though I am comfortable with many of the customs and beliefs that surround Catholic schools, I have to admit, that over the past few years I have become somewhat out of touch and out of practice in regards to elements such as uncommon prayers and responses, which has left me feeling fairly uncomfortable at times during my CFE. Despite feeling somewhat awkward during times of prayer that I am unfamiliar with, I have been enjoying my time at Star of the Sea. The school is like a community, majority of the teachers have kids that attend the school and everyone is friendly and caring.

When I entered into my CFE I had intended on applying for a TTOC position within the school, however, now that I am a week and a half into my CFE placement my thoughts have changed. I really enjoy the community feel of the school, however, I feel as though my personal teaching style would be more suited in the public school stream. While I do expect my students to learn at high levels regardless of their background or past challenges, I also thrive in an environment that is more creative and fun. I have found during my time at Star of the Sea that they are a school that puts a lot of emphasis and focus on academics and athletics rather than on learning by doing, creating and having fun. I think that my out going personality and my constant wish to make school and learning as fun as possible for both the students and myself may not be the right fit for an independent Catholic school.

This week I have spent the majority of my time so far in a grade 6 classroom. The teacher who I am under does all of the teaching and I sit at the back and observe. I asked yesterday if I could help out by teaching a lesson or two, but she declined saying she was already all prepared for the week. Tomorrow I am helping set up for the parent appreciation tea, which is happening from 1-3 at the school. On Friday I will be in a new grade 5 classroom and am looking forward to a new experience.

1 thought on “CFE- Week #2

  1. Nicole, thank you for being so honest about your feelings. I am glad you were able to have this experience in order for you to come to some decisions about the type of learning environment you want to work in. It is important that as you begin your teaching journey, you find some alignment with the context you are placed and your personal teaching philosophy. Nothing will ever be perfectly aligned but it’s important to feel a sense of connection and to not feel that you are not being true to what you believe. I know that some young teachers may just take a position for the sheer purpose of wanting a job. However, it’s crucial that we place ourselves in a situation where we will be happy and content. Just as we want to give our students choice and provide them with a variety of modalities to work from, it’s the same for teachers. We need to find what works best for us.
    Thanks again for being candid.

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