Marketing Campaign: great success or a disaster?

As always, Heineken creates yet another amazing marketing campaign for its loyal customers:

How much do people love Heineken beer? That’s what the company wanted to know, so it created the Pic Your Travel campaign, which encouraged people to show their appreciation of the brand by submitting Heineken-themed holiday photos from around the world. Participants could see their pics uploaded to a 3D globe and be entered to win a 2 free trips to their dream destination.

However, this does not work always like that. Marketing campaigns can also result in the disaster for the company. These are 3 examples of the campaigns gone wrong : Hard lessons on social media . Showing examples of Molson Canada, Kenneth Cole and FedEx the author presents 3 life lessons:

Lesson #1: News travels fast, social media mistakes travel even faster.

Lesson #2: Don’t make light of a serious situation for cheap promotion (or, don’t tweet something you wouldn’t say around your mother).

Lesson #3: Every employee, partner and service provider represents your brand.