Sweet Dreams

If there’s anything I’ve learned from the Entrepreneurship presentations by Emma from Zimt Chocolates and Amielle Lake of Tagga, it’s that pursuing an and entrepreneurial career is a constant uphill battle. There are, however, rare instances in which companies prosper more quickly than others. This is the case of Chelsea’s Chocolate’s based in Craighurst, Ontario.

In this Globe and Mail article, Laurie Thompson, a former sales representative for an Ontario winery, “introduced the proprietors to a chocolate liqueur, which soon found its way into their truffles”. Coincidentally, “the two owners, who had started the company in their basement in 1995, were getting ready to retire and wanted to sell to someone they liked. Ms. Thompson was their choice”. Now earning 50% more than original retail sales, Laurie Thompson and her husband are reaping the rewards.

As Amielle Lake advised during her presentation, focusing on one’s value proposition is integral to determine the brand and firm’s direction. Chelsea’s Chocolates has leveraged themselves as a microbusiness by being open 7 days a week and providing freshly made chocolates to their customers daily.

Additionally,  Amielle’s motto, “I have more greed, than I have pride” applies to Chelsea’s Chocolates previous owners. Laurie Thompson, the current proprietor of Chelsea’s said it best, “When you own a small business, it’s your baby, you put your heart and soul into it, so you want to see it succeed further when you retire.” Luckily enough, Thompson has succeeded in doing so. 


Sources: http://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/small-business/sb-tools/chocolate-makers-enjoy-sweet-taste-of-success/article20982609/




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