Grown Woman

Poverty, is not an unfamiliar subject to me. My family originated from the Philippines where destitution runs rampant. In spite of this, it is extraordinary to see what people can achieve, given the “right tools”. This is evident in Daisy Barengetuny’s story; as presented by Marc and Craig Kielburger who are contributors to the Huffington Post.

With insufficient funds to attend high school, it seemed inevitable that Barengetuny must “scratch a living out of the dry, barren earth, as her parents had done before her. But when Barengetuny was 19, development workers began travelling from village to village by motorcycle, including her community of Motony, introducing women to the micro-finance ‘merry-go-round’.”

Regular contributions were collected into “a common pot” and every month, “one woman received a lump sum to invest in her own business idea”.



“Daisy Barengetuny with one of the goats purchased by her expanding business.”

Photo credit: Matt Finlin

This is where Daisy Barengetuny seized her opportunity. Identifying the needs in her community, she capitalized her funds by making milky masala chai for dehydrated farmers. Eventually, Barengetuny went on to open a small shop in order to sell a selection of goods. She has now established herself as a resident businesswoman in her village.

As shown in “The Triple Bottom Line” the development workers who planted this micro-finance “merry-go-round” provided a socially responsible aspect for Motony. This forward thinking has bettered the lives of Daisy Barengetuny and her community, and makes me feel elated wholeheartedly. As a firm believer in social justice, I hope more business’ and social enterprises will look into investing in minute ventures.





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