What makes one generation different from the next? Is technology the driving force between generation gaps? As provided through our supplementary readings, the Financial Post states that” Millennials, or Generation Y, have significantly different values, beliefs and lifestyle from the Baby Boomer generation, differences that organizations are having to adapt to for the simple reason that Millennials will dominate the workplace in the coming decade”.
During Class 19, which focused on Organizational Behaviour and Human Resources, we debated if the employees are the core of company culture, or if the CEO’s vision of the company influences their employees. The former, as shown through multiple studies, proves “values, beliefs and [lifestyles]” are changing rapidly.
According to a Millenial study, “45% of Millennials will choose workplace flexibility over pay; 72% want to have a job where they can have an impact; [and] in an MTV Survey, Millennials want… to set their own hours and dress how they want.”
This is where HR steps in, to reform and re-organize a company to better serve their customers. The way I see it, Human Resources Management is not required to acquire a certain skill set applicable to their workplace, such as that of accountants or financiers. However, those in the HR Department, certainly have one of the most taxing jobs, having to constantly study and reform organizational models that will be the right fit for the incoming generations in the workplace.