Month: November 2014

Google Is Finally Doing Video Ads Right

Google may be the experts when it comes to online advertising but they have never been very good with video advertising. Yesterday (November 17, 2014), Google launched 4 new ads for it’s NEST division. Not only are these ads very

The Results Are In (Sort of)

In early September I wrote about Facebook launching a new advertising platform. Although at the time details were scarce and my post was mainly based off of rumours, the platform has been unveiled and although still a young platform the

One Ad Too Many?

Customers hate Advertisements (usually) and will do almost anything to avoid them. Marketers on the other hand will continue to think of creative ways to make sure they cannot be avoided. PVRs have decreased the ability to deliver effective TV

Instagram Begins Ads in Canada

It was just a regular Wednesday night, I was lying in bed scrolling through Instagram before going to sleep. Except this time I noticed something I had never noticed before, a post with the words “Sponsored” beside it. As a

Why SEO Is So Important

If you’re not sure what SEO is be sure to read part 1 of this post: “What is SEO.” Also be sure to read “Website Usability” as it plays a big role in your SEO ranking. As I said in


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