Ethics in the workplace

Small business’ can suffer greatly from an inappropriate manager. Recently in pop culture there have been many movies and TV shows that have dealt with what can go wrong to a business under poor management. The Office and Horrible Bosses are two comedic examples. But according to an audit by Cisco Systems, a network and communication company based in California, the loss of productivity resulting from bad bosses in their corporation costs them roughly $12 million annually. This audit claimed that employees who suffered from inappropriate talk or did not recieve the promotional they deserved, decided it was no longer worth it to work hard and the firm suffered. Although displayed in a comical way in the movies, the ethics issue here is innapropriate or unjust behaviour by a manager. Stated in Professor R. Edward Freeman’s  Stakeholder Theory a firm must be fair to their employees in order to be a successful business. In Cisco Systems’ case, the result of poor management has cost them greatly. For a lighter view on a bad boss, check out this video: 

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