NSEMO: Rapid Assessment Programme

Community-Based Experimental Learning Projects

Project implementation and progress

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This week Talen, Vick, and Christian met with Steven Bibby from B.C. Housing, and went through the BC Housing RDA program. Examining the B.C. Housing program gave them valuable information on how rapid damage assessment could be performed in the North Shore. Several members of our team also had a brief meeting with Dr. Kenneth Elwood to discuss how a program such as ours could be implemented in Vancouver. After our meeting, Dr. Elwood was able to show us a draft ATC report which had valuable

BC Housing

information on proposed changes to the ATC-20 guidelines.


Our team has been able to complete a majority of taks according the the schedule prescribed in our Gantt chart. The one exception to this was the the our final report. While our initial plan was to submit our final report to Dorit Mason on the 18th, it became clear that we were missing several key pieces of information. Many of our contacts were yet to respond to our messages, and meetings were still planned in the coming days. After consulting Dorit, we decided to change the deadline for our final report to April 3rd and submit a draft report on March18th. This draft report summarized all of our current recommendations, but lacked information from B.C. Housing and the ATC report Dr. Elwood’s sent us. After receiving this information we have updated our report and begun to compile our list of recommendations NSEMO


ATC logo

Applied technology council

We will be presenting our project in the form of a poster in the civil design studio at UBC on Monday, March 25. As planned, Christian and Sarah have begun work on the poster assignment while Alex, Vick, Talen, and Erick have begun working on their parts for the final report. Next weekend we plan on making our presentation and practising it before our meeting with NSEMO next week. Our report and presentation will go over our teams final recommendations for a complete rapid damage assessment plan

Written by Vickramjit Singh Poonia

March 22nd, 2013 at 9:11 pm

Posted in Uncategorized

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