Comm 296 Marketing Reflective Post

Over this course I have learnt  a great deal about marketing techniques, as well as team collaboration during our group projects. I believe the marketing plan assignments were a great way to apply all the concepts and knowledge we learnt in class, and connect it with our company. In our case it was BlackBerry! The video project was definitely more challenging than expected. It was especially tough to create an original project, while still keeping it informative about our company. The 7:00 minute time limit was killer!

This project also allowed me to better understand how to analyse and identify a company’s marketing mix, and coming up with future recommendations. I believe our team collaborated very well, and we were able to apply everybody’s strongest skill-set to analyse every aspect of our assignment. I definitely enhanced my collaboration and time management skills during this assignment, it was tough to balance video shooting, research, editing along with numerous team meeting with other school work!

If I had the chance to go back I would definitely try to come up with a more unique video concept. While I still believe our video was strong, it presented a unique opportunity to really be original and creative. However I am very proud of the way our team functioned, and that we were able to successfully compete every part of the assignments.

This assignment has allowed me to improve my teamwork skill, while also understand how to identify a company’s value creation process and its marketing mix. Overall it was a great introduction to the marketing world, and I want to thank Tamar for a great semester!


Ethics And Profit?

Chris MacDonald has written a blog about ethics and supply chain accountability on the website. Chris’ blog was about how McDonald’s and Target have both stopped using Sparboe Farms as their supplier for eggs. This was caused by worries regarding animal welfare in the facilities of Sparboe. Animal welfare is a very sensitive topic, as many believe that animals should be treated like humans, therefore animal cruelty or abuse would be condemned by many people around the world.

This topic relates to the lecture on Business Ethics. In this scenario McDonald’s and Target had a dilemma of whether or not to continue doing business with Sparboe Farms for a better financial profit, or to find a new supplier to improve public’s opinion of them. This move would be wise as McDonald’s would gain support of activists defending animal rights resulting in increased customer base, and potentially more investors. On the other hand if McDonald’s decided to ignore this issue, the public might hold McDonald’s accountable to the actions of its supplier. People might blame McDonald’s for knowing about Sparboe’s unethical actions, and failing to respond or interfere. This gives food for thought regarding the supply chain ethics, and whether or not a company should be judged based on the suppliers it chooses to deal with.

Work Cited:

” Is McDonald’s right to drop egg supplier Sparboe Farms? |” N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Nov. 2011. <–eggs-ethics-and-supply-chain-accountability>.