Response Blog

This blog is to respond to comments the team has gotten on previous posts!

Question: In your hopes to make a positive difference to the residents of North Vancouver, how would you see this project impacting their lives?

Answer: We see our project positively influencing the lives of residence in North Vancouver because the safely steps in place for an emergency will be tested and any issues that arrive will be dealt with. After the project completion citizens should feel safer knowing that the efficiency of communication has been increased amongst safety personnel.

Question: Are you on target with your plan?  Have you found that your estimates are reasonably accurate?

Answer: So far our team is very pleased with our progress and it is looking like all deadlines will be met. This is due to our diligent planning and prompt meetings and goals. The workload has been reasonable and manageable, our team has also evenly split the workload and we have all set target goals and deadlines. Everything so far has gone in accordance to our original timeline.

Question: I hope you get the chance to sit back from this work now and then to observe how the relationship between you and your client is developing, how the relationships between team members are developing, and whether the process of project implementation that you are following is working well, or whether you will change the process next time you work on a project.

Answer: Our team is fortunate to have a very cooperative client and mentor whom have both been very quick to respond to any questions. There have not been any communication problems thus far in the project. Our team meets weekly to make sure everyone is on the same page and work is continuously moving forward. Our client gets updates and so far is pleased with our progress. Project management has gone smoothly and there have not been any conflicts. The overall process of team management would not be changed should a similar project occur in the future.

One thought on “Response Blog

  1. Thanks for responding to the questions! Very cool.

    Just to clarify, make sure that you still make the required posts as per the blog assessment rubric!


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