Archive for the 'Uncategorized' Category

Final Post (How Sustainability Marketing Impact Me?)

Thursday, March 21st, 2013

Has it changed how you think about how you live your life as a consumer? Learning more about sustainability definitely made me a more conscious consumer in terms of what I buy when I go to grocery stores, I tend to look at the description more to see where the ingredients are produced, and often […]

Water is everywhere, sometimes we just dont think about it

Tuesday, March 12th, 2013

I recently come across reading about a manufacturer of paint who was supplying additive free paints, but also supplying them in dry powder form so you mix them with water on-site.  This really captured my imagination because it ticked so many boxes, little water used in the manufacture, not spending resources transporting lots of bulky, […]

What Does it Really Means: Biodegradable vs. Compostable

Wednesday, March 6th, 2013

What does it really means when people say biodegradable product vs. compostable product? People often associate both as the same, in fact, compostable and industrial compostable are different. Look around you. Everything you see right now is biodegradable. From the flat panel large screen TV to the plastic fork in you fast food bag. It’s the […]

The Green Fashion the new Trend?

Saturday, March 2nd, 2013

Pacific Centre Mall, in the high-fashion heart of Vancouver, is probably not a place you associate with sorting trash. Yet that is exactly what they do, from the cardboard, plastic and returnables from merchants and customers to the organic compost diversion in the food court. Throw in a bit of waste-to-energy from the stuff that […]

New Model for the Environment

Wednesday, February 13th, 2013

Pay as you drive (PAYD), insurance programs that encourage less and safer driving that are growing in popularity across the country. First, PAYD discourages overconsumption often associated with flat rate pricing. Second, it incentivizes shared use of resources during peak periods in order to avoid excess investments in capacity that would otherwise be under utilized for much […]

The Right Thing to Do? Ethical Sourcing

Tuesday, February 5th, 2013

Why aren’t all the major food companies develop ethical sourcing policies for their ingredients? What are the biggest factors holding these companies back from doing the right thing for the environment an d society? Should the company be concern more on what is the right thing to do, or whether it is the right thing to do […]

Impact on the Environment via Mobile Phone App

Saturday, February 2nd, 2013

In today’s world, there are many great benefits of buying locally produced products, Due to their shorter distance travel to the market they tend to have less environmental footprint. However, less and less attention are paid to how far shoppers travel to make their purchases and how much impact they have on the environment. Interestingly, […]

Is Being Sustainable Enough for 3M Success?

Friday, January 25th, 2013

3M, longtime sustainability leader plugging away, creating new products such as pipe linings, industrial paint application product, reflectivity mirror film, and Novec Fluids, that will help the world save energy, water, waste…and lots of money. For good reason, the $30-billion company has long been held up as a role model of how to manage innovation. […]

Heineken vs. Sustainability

Saturday, January 12th, 2013

Dutch beer giant Heineken recently launched an online innovation platform called Heineken Ideas Brewery. The focus of the challenge will is to come up with new ideas for sustainable beer packaging. Criteria for the challenge are: 1) How can we ensure that a larger amount of beer packaging will be re-used or recycled? 2) What kind […]

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