Native Advertising
The biggest trend in advertising is in the format of Native advertising. Running the same paid banner ad is getting old, boring, and simply not driving impressions. Therefore, advertisers are attempting to gain consumer’s attention by providing content in the context of the user’s experience. This online advertising technique is still an emerging medium; however, companies are quickly learning what works and what doesn’t. The key to running a successful Native ad is all about relevancy and integration.
Heineken’s tequila-flavoured Desperados beer campaign used geo-targeting and was scheduled at specific times for optimal impact; however, it wasn’t until personalized mobile native ads were introduced that awareness increased significantly.
“ What we’re attributing [the increase in brand awareness to] is literally context and personalization” – Ron Amram, Heineken’s Senior Media Advisor
Here are some other successful native advertisements:
New York Times and Orange is the New Black discusses the topic of women imprisonment.
Buzzfeed and Game of Thrones were creative with developing a smart quiz. This native ad just shows how important integration really is.