
Books and Monographs

3041 visual 2.inddFrench, H.M. and Slaymaker, O. (eds.), 2011. Changing Cold Environments: a Canadian Perspective. Wiley-Blackwell, Chichester.

GeomorphologyGECSlaymaker, O., Spencer, T. and Embleton-Hamann, C. (eds.), 2009. Geomorphology and Global Environmental Change. Cambridge University Press


CryosphereSlaymaker, O.  and Kelly, R. 2007. The Cryosphere and Global Environmental Change. Blackwell Publishing, Oxford

MountainGeomorphologyOwens, P. and  Slaymaker, O., (eds.), 2004. Mountain Geomorphology. Arnold: London.



fluvial-geomorphologySlaymaker, O. (ed.), 2004. Fluvial Geomorphology. Volume 1 in a 7 volume series; Evans, D.J.A., (series editor). Critical Concepts in Geomorphology. Routledge: London and New York.

Hydrology-GeomorphologyInterfaceHassan, M.A., Slaymaker, O., and Berkowicz, S.M., 2000. The Hydrology – Geomorphology Interface. I.A.H.S. Publication 261: Wallingford, 326, pp.


GHAGECSlaymaker, O. (ed.), 2000. Geomorphology, Human Activity and Global Environmental Change. Wiley: Chichester, 322 pp.

PhysicalGeographySlaymaker, O., and Spencer, T., 1998. Physical Geography and Global Environmental Change. Addison Wesley Longman: Harlow, 292 pp.


GeomorphicHazardsSlaymaker, O. (ed.), 1996. Geomorphic Hazards. Wiley: Chichester, 205 pp.

SteeplandGeomorphologySlaymaker, O. (ed.), 1995. Steepland Geomorphology. Wiley: Chichester, 283 pp.



CCEFrench H.M. and Slaymaker, O. (eds.), 1983. Canada’s Cold Environments. McGill-Queens: Montreal, 340 pp.

FieldExperimentsSlaymaker, O. (ed.), 1991. Field Experiments and Measurement Program in Geomorphology. Balkema and UBC Press: Vancouver, 224 pp.


Refereed Encyclopedia

Slaymaker, O.,  2004. 16 entries In Goudie, A.S., ed., Encyclopedia of Geomorphology. Routledge: London and New Yourk, 5, 14-15, 120-122, 225-226, 277-279, 307-310, 321-323, 420-422, 701-703, 709-711, 759-762, 830-834, 934-936, 988-990, 1001-1002, 1080-1081 [actualism, allometry, catastrophism, debris torrent, drainage density, dynamic geomorphology, equifinality, geomorphic evolution, mountain geomorphology, neocatastrophism, paraglacial, rates of operation, sediment load and yield, solute load and rating curve, stream ordering, uniformitarianism].

Slaymaker, O.,  2003. Physical Geography, Chapter 2 in Geography, edited by Sala M., In Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS), developed under the auspices of the UNESCO, EOLLS Publishers, Oxford UK.


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