Signed: I, My Author.

Do you know the movie “Stranger than Fiction”? If you do, than you will probably get where I am coming from and if you don’t, it’s worth reading on just to satisfy your curiosity…

Saying that your life is a story has become a cliché. Being in charge of the pen writing the story might be slightly different – or at least it had been for me until making the decision to go back to school. This being said, around this time last year was the moment when I grabbed hold of the pen and became the author of my life story.

If you saw “Stranger than Fiction” you probably remember and if not… Well, you are about to find out that Harold, the main character in the movie, left in search of the author of his story, as he had realized he was not the one in charge of things any more. I kind of know how Harold must have felt like, as sometimes in my professional career I felt a bit like “fortune’s toy”.

After my undergraduate degree in social management I was offered an internship with the Romanian Public Radio channel, which opened up for me a career as a journalist and public relations officer. The good thing about not having a plan was that with every new role and challenge I was uncovering more natural abilities and building new skills.

Working as a media and public relations officer I discovered my natural ability for problem solving. As a broadcast journalist I tapped into my creativity and spontaneity and discovered my talent for the art of the spoken word. In front of the microphone I discovered the joy of helping a community grow.

With my backpack half full of all these abilities and skills I decided to start my search for the author of my story. I put one hand on the pen and took on the challenge of being self-employed, as a conference services and events coordinator. I discovered within myself an escalating risk appetite and the thrill of starting my own business.

On my journey so far I have proved that I can reinvent and develop who I am and I felt hungry and prepared for more. I wanted to walk on my professional path with a backpack filled to the top. So what was I missing? The other half full of knowledge. Deciding to go back to school and applying for my MBA Program at Sauder School of Business – was the moment when I put both hands on the pen and took responsibility as my author.

My Motivation for Taking the Leap!

I see Sauder School of Business and the UBC as a place for my mind to grow and for me to embrace my full potential and design a new career in sustainable development, social innovation and project management. It was the attention given to professional and career development and the interest in green, sustainable and social business that made me connect with the Sauder MBA Program in the first place.

I am no longer a “Stranger than Fiction” character. I am a Sauder MBA Student “Building a Strong Foundation” for my future career.  I am the author designing my life game plan in Vancouver and wider BC community.

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