The power of the Internet

Over twenty years ago no one would have thought that something posted on a thing called the ‘Internet’ could be the cause of so much controversy. However, anything posted on the internet that is made available to the public domain, now has the power to become the headlines of many news articles. The internet is now able to track who said what, when they said it and can now hold people to account for any post that is made carelessly or mistakenly.  A recent headline in USA Today states that an executive from the company Business Insider posted very inappropriate tweets on his twitter blog that were both racist and sexist.  Due to these tweets, he was fired from his position as an executive.  The company Business Insider stated that these tweets did not reflect any of the company’s views and they were appalled by both his tweets and actions.  This article goes to show the power of the internet and how a site such as Twitter, that only allows each tweet to be a meager 140 characters, can have such a big impact on our society.

“Media Exec Fired over Racist, Sexist Tweets.” USA Today. Gannett, n.d. Web. 11 Sept. 2013.