
Hey Everyone!

I’ve created a subpage for each week. If anyone has any questions or concerns about the reading material, their student-led lecture, assignments, interesting thoughts/questions to pose, events in Vancouver or anything else I may have missed, please feel free to post it in the appropriate page.

As always, feel free to email me or Professor Glassheim with any questions as well!

6 Responses to Discussion

  1. Tugce Balik


    Here is a link to the Magnificent Century – 1st Episode if anyone is interested.

  2. Jenna

    Hey guys-

    Here’s that podcast I was talking about today… Check out the other ones for some interesting term paper topic ideas!

  3. Lars

    This is the book I mentioned – could be of interest to more of you guys


  4. Brittany


    I got an email for this event from the IR faculty, and I thought some of you guys might be interested given our course topic(s)!

    The above link is for the flyer with the details 🙂

  5. Brittany

    Short video clip with some interesting info about Famagusta


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