Facebook New Feature – Share Albums

What would the world be if the Facebook website is down for one week?

Facebook plays a huge role in everyone’s life and most of us constantly update our current status and share photos. Statistics from Facebook have shown that each day, 350 million photos are uploaded online. This means

  • 14.58 million photo uploads per hour.
  • 243,000 photo uploads per minute.
  • 4,000 photo uploads per second.


As of now, Facebook has introduced a new feature known as “Share Albums” that allows multiple users to upload photos into one album. Each album allows a maximum of 50 users to upload and each user can upload 200 photos. In addition, this feature has three privacy settings, public, friends of contributors and contributors only.

This new feature no doubt will be very useful for users

  • allows family members those post family photos into one single albumĀ 
  • students can easily share homework or assignments
  • users can upload wedding photos
  • share vacation photos with new friends that users have met on a trip
  • provides employees to share company photos



I believe this new application will definitely assist users in many diverse aspects. However, users should always consider the photos that they upload as these photos might play a threat to them in the future.

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