New Fashion Marketing

Back in the days, marketers used one huge banner ad or send emails that consist of same content. Such marketing technique is no doubt costly and is unsure whether they are reaching to the correct consumers or not. 

With new tools that we can use, marketers can utilize these tools to enhance their marketing scheme and to target the appropriate target segment. A valuable tool that we can use is Google Analytic. By using Google Analytic, we can track down consumers who and where they have been to your site. In addition, it provides advertisement reports and campaign measurements that helps to test whether something is working or not.

Through acknowledging who has gone to your site during a campaign or other particular reason, it is essential for you to keep track of these data. Below is three simple steps that you can utilize to recognize who you should target

1.) Data collection

It is essential to collect user data in order to know who these people are because these are the people who are interested in your company. You should implement social login where it gives permission for you to see their current social profiles

2.) Data Categorizing

After recognizing who these people are, the data should be categorized into different bins. This helps you understand the different target segment and know who you should focus your advertising on.

3.) Data Analyzing

The next crucial step is to analyze your data. Using Google Analytic or other tools can assist you to recognize what type of advertising to do and who you should email your newsletter to.

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