How to make use of Social Media

Who doesn’t want to acquire more customers and establish a long term relationship with them?

According to an article, by utilizing 4 simple ways to enhance your social media updates, it will bring more sales to your company.

1.) Establish a clear and concise message for customers

Customers and fans will visit your site page for various reasons. Some may engage in online product or service searching. As for others, they might look for special deals and vouchers. It is essential to update status when there a promotion is going on so that customers will recognize the deal.

By using Twitter, your company can tweet about the promotion. By using Facebook, you can update your status. One key thing while promoting is to link the website on  your post.

2.) Capture audience attention

By using words such as “For a limited time” or “On sale this week”, such phrases will catch the audience attention.

Through changing the Facebook Cover page can also catch the eye of your visitors. By offering limited deals for customers, it provides them the incentive to make a booking or buy the product or service immediately.

3.) Tell them to hare

Asking your fans or followers to share will raise the brand recognition of your company. Since, social media is real time, fans who share your page or site will allows other potential customers to recognize your company.

Letting followers know that if they share a post about your company’s contest, they will get an extra chance of winning the contest.

Telling your customers to check in on Facebook while eating at your restaurant or cafe, they will receive a discount.

4.) Always update your profile

When interested customers see your Facebook page or website, it is critical to let them realize your current business information. Always update Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin or any other social profiles.

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