Apologies from Red Cross for posting a False Typhoon Haiyan Image

On Nov 11th, Red Cross has posted an image regarding to the size of the Typhoon Haiyan which estimated that the devastation can killed up to 10,000 people in the Philippines. Red Cross has tweeted a photo which the size of the typhoon would nearly cover the entire US. Users were retweeting the photo after it was posted and apparently it was retweeted more than 700 times after it was issued.









Couple hours later, Red Cross issued a correction on the organization’s blog to apologize the mistake of the photo.

The post was :

Earlier today, we posted a map of Typhoon Haiyan comparing the size of the storm to geography of the United States. In the process of making the rest of our maps for our operations in the Philippines, we made a mistake with this one and it was not to scale. We always strive to provide the most accurate information possible and we missed the mark with this one-literally. We would like to apologize for this mistake and thank the people who kindly pointed this out to us.

Based on Social Media “triage”, I believe Red Cross has handled this situation in a suitable manner. They have quickly assessed the post and acknowledge the fact that the image is not to scale. Within couple of hours, they have taken a reasonable action to fix the issue through gently responding about their mistake on the organization blog in order to let online users know they have dealt with the problem.

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