Category Archives: Uncategorized


This post marks the beginning of Comm 464 – Emarketing

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Amway pyramid strategy

    Our world is currently confronted with environmental problems. Due to the existence of human beings, we have certainly been demolishing the nature. In response to the Michelle Cheung’s blog, she illustrated that Amway has produced a new product … Continue reading

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My journey in Comm299

Throughout the year for this one credit course.  The first semester of comm 299 requires me to speak publicly. Since public speaking has always been a barrier to me in my life, such a course certainly has improved on my … Continue reading

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Greatest lesson learned from someone else

Badminton has always been part of my life. As a young lad who has started playing this competitive sport at the age of eleven, I was inspired by badminton coach. At first, I was a lazy young being who did … Continue reading

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Hello world!

Welcome to UBC Blogs. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!

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