Wanted: Aggregation – Part I

I set up NetVibes at the start of term to try and stay on top of the blog postings for LIBR559M. I ran into a couple of difficulties:

  • I was frustrated at how long it took me to input everyone’s blog.
  • I accidentally deleted it and then had to enter everyone’s blogs again.
  • I didn’t check it during the Reading Period and got logged out and couldn’t remember my password.
  • I was never able to make it public and share it with the class (this one is on me and not the system).

That being said- once I got it operational, it has actually been pretty useful. It does sort of force me to read everyone’s posts and comments. Will I continue to use it after the class is over? Probably not. I just don’t follow enough blogs at this point to really find it helpful.

I started wondering if maybe there is an aggregator out there for me. So I did a little self-assessment. First, I primarily check my social media through my iPad mini. Second, I’m really only use Facebook, Instagram (yeah I have an Instagram now), and Pinterest. Third, I really would like to follow the news more.

So here is the challenge I’m issuing myself. I’m going to test 3 apps by the end of this week and provide you all with my ratings. Does anyone have any suggestions before I start this process? Because I just typed in social media to the app store and became severely overwhelmed.I’m going to try to be as subjective as possible.

Here is the 10 point checklist I’ve developed:

  1. Is it Free? Yes or No

  2. Are there Ads? Yes or No

  3. Does it crash my system? Yes or No

  4. What social media platforms does it aggregate?

  5. Is it Intuitive? Yes or No

  6. Visual Appeal? 1-5

  7. Usability? 1-5

  8. Is there a newsfeed? Yes or No

  9. Would you use this in your everyday life?

  10. Would you use this in your professional life?

1 thought on “Wanted: Aggregation – Part I

  1. I had similar problems with using Hootsuite as an aggregator. I have used it for Twitter mostly though I had my Facebook and LinkedIn loaded as well. I couldn’t get my head around how Hootsuite works as an aggregator of blogs. So I’m glad Dean made his feed public so I could follow classmates’ blogs that way.

    As for recommendations, feedly is on my list. I’m interested in seeing what 3 you review.

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