The team thing.

Yesterday was the long anticipated (but not in the “I can’t wait, it’s going to be so fun” kind of way) presentation day of my first big project.  The Electronic Arts case study for organizational behavior (aka COMM292).

At the beginning of the course, the professor puts everyone in the class into teams.  Teams were created based on these personality analysis surveys we did.

I was really excited to find out if good teams can actually be made this way.

My conclusion: well I loved my group but I still can’t tell if it is related to how the prof put it together.

Do you remember how group projects felt in highschool?  (Yes I realize I compare everything to high school a lot.)

1. Most people want every project to be a group project.
2. You must choose your own groups.
3. You must choose your friends.
3b. You must choose the smart kids who will get you the highest marks.

Of course, you don’t always get your way.  It wasn’t so bad when teachers picked your teams because you see these same people all the time and at least sort of know them.

This was different.  I didn’t even know everyone’s names at the start.  Even then, this was honestly one of the coolest project experiences.  Oh I feel like a nerd for saying that.  I didn’t notice much during the whole thing but once it ended, it felt so cool to know total strangers can work together and make something in a short time.

Random fact about me #4: I am a pretty distant person.  Which explains my huge awe of the whole interacting with people thing.

On Sunday, I hung out with a friend from SFU and we were talking about how at the rate we’re going, in four years we will be just as lost with even less of a purpose because by then we won’t even have school to focus on.

I still don’t know what I want to do, and even if it is based on a single experience,  I’m glad I found something that I would like from my future.  I want to work with people.  Ok, so most jobs require working with people anyway, but hey, a step forward is a step forward.

Right direction or not, at least I’m moving?

6 thoughts on “The team thing.

  1. The infamous OB project is quite an experience — I guess people get a sense of themselves relative to the Sauder culture through it.

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