


Archive for the 'Course Material' Category

Bandar Abbas

Sunday, April 5th, 2009

Hello 🙂 Since we didn’t talk about Bandar Abbas, I though its worth mentiong a breif information about it. Bandar Abbas Name: Perpetuating the memory of Shah Abbas the Great who founded the town after his naval victory over the Portuguese off Hormoz. Previously called Gameron or Qamerun. Situation and access: Altitude: sea level. Port […]

Darvazeh Ghoran

Sunday, April 5th, 2009

Hello, bellow is a brief information about Darvazeh Ghoran in Shiraz. Darvazeh Ghoran (The Koran Gate) was originally built as an ornamental entrance to the northern sector of the town about 1,000 years ago. Karim Khan Zand placed a volume of the holy Koran in the small room built on the top of the gate […]


Sunday, April 5th, 2009

Here’s a website about Hafiz:   I know Farzad has covered him very well. this is just a summarized version of what he’s talked about.   Special thanks to Farzad and Lena


Sunday, April 5th, 2009

We have talked all about Iranian architecture… There were times we were referring to roman architecture or european ones… Following link is a brief intro to the types mentioned above   I know you love it!   Arya

A vey good website!…

Sunday, April 5th, 2009

Hey everyone, I found the foloowing link a very interesting one in terms of architectural designs in Iran:   Most of the monuments or buildings mentioned here have won a prize…   Enjoy   Ariiiiii

Iranian Architecture

Saturday, April 4th, 2009

Hi Guys, This is a very nice slide show that contains a lot of material that Mr. Daniel Roehr presented to us in his lecture. Enjoy, Iranian (Persian) Architecture from Majid H. Mohajerani

Iranian Architecture during Islam’s Invasion

Saturday, April 4th, 2009

This website is a very nice overview of the Material we have covered so far in our course during the Islamic period.

Modern to Post- Modern

Thursday, April 2nd, 2009

best web site you can find on modern to postmodern architecture 😀

palladian architecture

Thursday, April 2nd, 2009

hey guys i was saying the “baghe feredos” architecture is very similar to ‘palladian architecture’ , here’s the wikipedia for it in case interested 😀


Thursday, April 2nd, 2009

After Nardin and Kian presentation, I was so curious about goushvareh rooms! I found this interview, well kind of, about Shams-ol-emareh and gushvareh … it’s in farsi I know! I am still not sure but i thing it has a architectural aspect to it and the rooms were used to connect buildings to each other! * عمارت شمس العماره به […]

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