“We give where we live”


“We give where we live”

This is a short statement that encompasses the philosophy of a huge company in the Philippines BPO industry, which is TELUS International Philippines. TELUS International Philippines focuses a lot on developing itself to become an ethical company by creating many corporate social responsibility programs. They do this because they believe that the Philippines is acting as their host country and providing them with many resources such as land and labor, thus they have to give back to the community of the Philippines.


Recently, an article published in the Philippine Star shared the story of the company’s annual event, which is called the TELUS Day of Giving. This year, the company and its employee’s took on the responsibility of renovating a public school in the city of Tondo in Manila. They painted walls, refurbished the bathrooms and helped in building new classrooms. Around 2600 employees came directly from their night shift in order to work on this project. This shows the commitment of the employees towards achieving the corporate philosophy of the company. This also shows how deeply rooted the values of the company are.

These activities help in improving employee motivation in the company as employees get a chance to contribute towards the development of their country. They will be more involved and will play a role in developing their community.



“TELUS Days of Giving are just one of the ways our company provides team members with the opportunity to showcase their commitment to the communities around the world where we live, work, and serve” – Jeffrey Puritt, TELUS International president and CEO.

I personally believe that what TELUS International Philippines is doing is a great way of showing their commitment towards the community in the Philippines. I have been living in the Philippines for the past 12 years, and have seen the conditions of the public schools there. Overcrowded classrooms and unhygienic buildings are just a part of the problems faced there. Doing projects such as these will make a great impact on the Philippines as it will help improve the quality of education for young students.

I believe that TELUS International Philippines is on the route towards becoming an ethical business because they are investing back into the community that has given them the resources the needed to become a successful BPO in the Philippines. TELUS International Philippines is truly striving to complete its social responsibility.

A company aims to satisfy all stakeholders. The shareholders want profit and the employee’s want financial and non-financial rewards. But one important stakeholder for multinational companies is the host country. They provide the company with resources to operate and the company should help them in return.

-Parth Dhand

Word Count: 449


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