The supporting data files are organized as follows:
- PeaceRiver_Air_photo_flightlines (.pdf)
Contains flight line numbers and photo number ranges for all photos used in the construction of the morphological and vegetation maps along the Peace River, with photo scale and Peace River flow at principal gauges nearest the flight line. - PeaceRiver_cross_section_surveys (.zip)
Contains files giving x-z data for all surveys by cross-section, with an image of superimposed xs plots. The images are separately repeated in a pdf file. - PeaceRiver_BC_Peace_surface_grain_size (.xlsx)
Contains D50 and D90 data of surface grain sizes collected in the BC Peace River in 1978, and means and standard deviations from subsets of samples as used in chapter 3. - PeaceRiver_At-a-station_hydraulic_geometry_principal_stations (.xlsx)
Contains gauging data from which hydraulic geometries were constructed in chapter 5; ice-period data are separately listed. - PeaceRiver_morphology (.zip)
Contains cumulative areas by subreach of individual mapped morphological units and derived statistics reported in chapter 7. - PeaceRiver_vegetation (.zip)
Contains vegetation area statistics by subreach within files for each study reach, as analyzed in chapters 8 and 9. - PeaceRiver_vegetation_stats_and_ratios (.zip)
Contains derived statistics, including transition ratios, as reported in chapters 8 and 9. - PeaceRiver_vegetation_field_studies (.zip)
Vegetation plot field data contains the plant enumerations for the field plots, reported in chapter 8. Veg stats field islands reports photo-interpreted type areas for the islands on which the field plots were located. - Peace River maps
Contains maps for all study reaches. Maps are identified by date and map number. Maps correspond with Terrain Resource Information Mapping quadrangles, not with study subreaches. Maps display morphological unites and vegetation types, statistics for which are given in files contained in the preceding folders. These maps constitute the basic data source for the reach-length studies of morphological and vegetation change. - Peace River reach location map:
- Below are links to data files for each reach. Original maps were constructed at the scale 1:20 000 using ESRI ArcMap® Version 10. Working files are available from the author. Details of map construction are given in chapter 7.