The Absurdity of Occupy Christmas

                The Occupy movement as a whole has swept the imagination of people across the industrialized world for the past months, whether from exasperation at their stupidity or admiration of their courage. As Jasmine Yeh has pointed out, Occupy itself already lacks a cohesive goal, claiming to address a range of issues from corporate greed to economic inequality. Furthermore, as Piper Hoekstra describes, a majority of the populace is made up of hardworking individuals, who are willing and able to make sacrifices for future economic success. However, Occupy gets worse.

                Recently, it has decided to begin a side operation called Occupy Christmas, directed towards boycotting businesses by either not buying business gifts at all, or avoiding purchasing from large corporations. This completely neglect the fact that the very economy they depend on for their livelihood is powered through the very same consumer spirit they hope to avoid. In the case this movement was truly a populist struggle, the effects would cause businesses to collapse, further increasing economic inequality. As this blog notes, this would cause an extensive chain effect, damaging, manufacturers, service industries, and workers alike. Ironically, all this further fuels the occupy movement.–occupy-christmas-targets-santa


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