
IMG_0741Peck J (2025) The city. In I Oakes, D Plehwe and H Schulz-Forberg (eds) The encyclopedia of neoliberalism. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, forthcoming

Peck J and Theodore N (2024) Cities for a guaranteed income: renewing the urban politics of cash assistance in the United States. Urban Geography early view 10.1080/02723638.2024.2428076

Peck J, Meulbroek C and Anguelov D (2024) Hong Kong’s new normal: remaking authorized
discourses of “special administration,” 2017-2022. Environment & Planning C: Politics and Space 42(6): 1082-1102

Anguelov D, Peck J, Zhang J and Su X (2024) Rezoning at the threshold of two systems:
regionalized party-statecraft in China’s Greater Bay Area. Regional Studies 58(3): 565-582

Theodore N and Peck J (2024) Frames and flows: mutating policies and metropolitan
transformations. In P Le Galès & J Robinson (eds) Routledge handbook of comparative urban studies. London: Routledge, 195-216

Peck J, Bok R and Zhang J (2023) Hong Kong—a model on the rocks? Territory, Politics, Governance 100-119

Ebner N and Peck J (2022) Fantasy island: Paul Romer and the multiplication of Hong Kong. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 46(1): 26-49

Peck J (2021) Milton’s paradise: situating Hong Kong in neoliberal lore. Journal of Law and Political Economy 2(1): 189-211

Peck J (2020) Culture club: creative cities, fast policy, and the new symbolic order. In L Kong & A de Dios (eds) Geographies of creativity. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 37-53

Peck J (2020) Austerity urbanism. Oxford Bibliographies in Urban Studies 10.1093/obo/9780190922481-0001

Leitner H, Sheppard E and Peck J (2020) Urban studies unbound: postmillennial spaces of theory. In H Leitner, J Peck & E Sheppard (eds) Urban studies inside/out: theory, method, practice.
London: Sage, 3-20

Sheppard E, Leitner H and Peck J (2020) Doing urban studies: navigating the methodological terrain. In H Leitner, J Peck & E Sheppard (eds) Urban studies inside/out: theory, method, practice. London: Sage, 21-44

Peck J, Sheppard E and Leitner H (2020) Urban studies inside/out: a guide for readers and
researchers. In H Leitner, J Peck & E Sheppard (eds) Urban studies inside/out: theory, method, practice. London: Sage, 45-68

Leitner H, Peck J and Sheppard E (2020) Turning urban studies inside/out. In H Leitner, J Peck & E Sheppard (eds) Urban studies inside/out: theory, method, practice. London: Sage, 229-244

Enright T, Björkman L, McGuirk P, Peck J, Purcell M, Scott AJ and Rossi U (2018) Cities in global capitalism. The AAG Review of Books 6(1): 59-75

Peck J (2018) Preface: situating austerity urbanism. In M Davidson & K Ward (eds) Cities under austerity: restructuring the U.S. metropolis. Albany: SUNY Press, xi-xxxviii

Peck J and Whiteside H (2017) Neoliberalizing Detroit. In M Pavlovskaya & S Schram (eds) Rethinking neoliberalism: resisting the disciplinary regime. New York: Routledge, 179-196

Peck J (2017) Transatlantic city, part 1: conjunctural urbanism. Urban Studies 54(1): 4-30

Peck J (2017) Transatlantic city, part 2: late entrepreneurialism. Urban Studies 54(2): 327-363

Peck J (2016) Economic rationality meets celebrity urbanology: exploring Edward Glaeser’s city. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 40(1): 1-30

Peck J and Whiteside H (2016) Financializing Detroit. Economic Geography 92(3): 235-268

Peck J (2015) Cities beyond compare? Regional Studies 49(1): 160-182

Peck J (2015) Chicago-school suburbanism. In P Hamel & R Keil (eds) Suburban governance: a global view. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 130-152

Peck J (2015) Framing Detroit. In MP Smith & LO Kirkpatrick (eds) Reinventing Detroit: the politics of possibility. Piscataway, NJ: Transaction, 145-166

Peck J (2014) Pushing austerity: state failure, municipal bankruptcy, and the crises of fiscal
federalism in the USA. Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy & Society 7(1): 17-44

Peck J (2014) Entrepreneurial urbanism: between uncommon sense and dull compulsion. Geografiska Annaler B 96(4): 396-401

Peck J, Siemiatycki E and Wyly E (2014) Vancouver’s suburban involution. City 18(4-5): 386-415

Peck J and Theodore N (2013) Chicago beyond Fordism: between regulatory crisis and sustainable growth. In F Martinelli, F Moulaert & A Novy (eds) Urban and regional development trajectories in contemporary capitalism. London: Routledge, 173-194

Peck J, Theodore N and Brenner N (2013) Neoliberal urbanism redux? International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 37(3): 1091-1099

Peck J (2012) Recreative city: Amsterdam, vehicular ideas, and the adaptive spaces of creativity policy. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 36(3): 462-485

Peck J (2012) Austerity urbanism: American cities under extreme economy. City 16(6): 626-655

Peck J (2011) Neoliberal suburbanism: frontier space. Urban Geography 32(6): 884-919

Peck J, Theodore N and Brenner N (2009) Neoliberal urbanism: models, moments, and mutations. SAIS Review of International Affairs 29(1): 49-66

Peck J (2009) The cult of urban creativity. In R Keil & R Mahon (eds) Leviathan undone? Towards a political economy of scale. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 159-176

Peck J (2006) Liberating the city: between New York and New Orleans. Urban Geography 27(8): 681-783

Peck J (2006) Neoliberal hurricane: who framed New Orleans? In L Panitch & C Leys (eds) Socialist register 2007: coming to terms with nature. London: Merlin Press, 102-129