Economic geography

Screen Shot 2015-11-29 at 6.22.56 PMPeck J, Meulbroek C and Phillips R (2025) Ideas and ideation in
geographical political economy. Progress in Human Geography forthcoming

Peck J (2025) Open horizons: Doreen Massey’s geographies. In N Castree, TJ Barnes & J Salmond (eds) Making geography matter: the past and present of a changing discipline. London: Routledge, forthcoming

Peck J (2024) Practicing conjunctural methodologies: engaging Chinese capitalism. Dialogues in Human Geography 14(3): 461-482

Peck J (2024) Articulating conjunctural analysis. Dialogues in Human Geography 14(3): 504-508

Sheppard E, Leitner H and Peck J (2024) Conjunctural analysis. In D Richardson et al (eds) The International encyclopedia of geography. Oxford: Wiley, 1-7

Fields D, Peck J and Poon J (2024) Constructing explanations in economic geography:
an invitation
. EPA: Economy & Space 56(5): 1539-1540

Peck J (2023) A place to start? EPA: Economy & Space 56(5): 1569-1576

Peck J, Werner M and Jones M (2023) A dialogue on uneven development: a distinctly regional problem. Regional Studies 57(7): 1392-1403

Peck J (2023) Wrestling with “the new” state capitalism. EPA: Economy & Space 55(3): 760–763

Dixon AD, Peck J, Alami I and Whiteside H (2023) Making space for the new state capitalism, part III: thinking conjuncturally. EPA: Economy & Space 55(5): 1207-1217

Peck J (2023) Doing economics differently. EPA: Economy & Space 55(7): 1799-1804

Alami I, Whiteside H, Dixon AD and Peck J (2023) Making space for the new state capitalism, part II: relationality, spatiotemporality, and uneven development. EPA: Economy & Space 55(3): 621-635

Whiteside H, Alami I, Dixon AD and Peck J (2023) Making space for the new state capitalism, part I: working with a troublesome category. EPA: Economy & Space 55(1): 63-71

Peck J (2022) Hard work: restructuring, realism, and regions. In G Calder & B Sanghera (eds) Ethics, economy and social science: dialogues with Andrew Sayer. London: Routledge, 139-152

Peck J (2022) Confessions of a recovering régulation theorist. In B Hillier, R Phillips & J Peck (eds) Regulation theory, space, and uneven development: conversations and challenges. Vancouver: 1984press, 169-188

Peck J (2022) Modalities of labor: restructuring, regulation, regime. In E Baglioni, L Campling, NM Coe & A Smith (eds) Labour regimes and global production. Newcastle upon Tyne: Agenda Publishing, 63-78

Peck J (2021) On capitalism’s cusp. Area Development and Policy 6(1): 1-30

Peck J and Phillips R (2020) The platform conjuncture. Sociologica 14(3): 73-99

Peck J (2020) Polanyi in space. In R Desai & K Polanyi Levitt (eds) Karl Polanyi and twenty-first-century capitalism. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 250-268

Berndt C, Rantisi NM and Peck J (2020) M/market frontiers. EPA: Economy & Space 52(1): 14–26

Peck J (2020) Where are markets? In C Berndt, J Peck & NM Rantisi (eds) (2020) Market/place:
exploring spaces of exchange
. Newcastle upon Tyne: Agenda Publishing, 49-68

Peck J, Berndt C and Rantisi NM (2020) Introduction: exploring markets. In C Berndt, J Peck & NM Rantisi (eds) (2020) Market/place: exploring spaces of exchange. Newcastle upon Tyne: Agenda Publishing, 1-26

Rantisi NM, Berndt C and Peck J  (2020) Conclusion: “market research.” In C Berndt, J Peck & NM Rantisi (eds) (2020) Market/place: exploring spaces of exchange. Newcastle upon Tyne: Agenda Publishing, 269-283

Peck J (2020) Polanyi in space. In R Desai & K Polanyi Levitt (eds) Karl Polanyi and twenty-first-century capitalism. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 250-278

Peck J and Omstedt M (2019) Linda McDowell. In PA Atkinson, S Delamont, A Cernat, JW Sakshaug & RA Williams (eds) Sage research methods foundations. London: Sage, 1-8

Peck J and Ebner N (2019) Doreen Massey.  In PA Atkinson, S Delamont, A Cernat, JW Sakshaug & RA Williams (eds) Sage research methods foundations. London: Sage, 1-8

Peck J and Barnes TJ (2019) Berkeley in-between: radicalizing economic geography. In TJ Barnes & E Sheppard (eds) Spatial histories of radical geography: North America and beyond. Oxford:
Wiley-Blackwell, 211-246

Peck J (2019) Problematizing capitalism(s): big difference? EPA: Economy & Space 51(5): 1190-1196

Peck J (2019) Combination. In T Jazeel, A Kent, K McKittrick, N Theodore, S Chari, P Chatterton, V Gidwani, N Heynen, W Larner, J Peck, J Pickerill, M Werner & MW Wright (eds) Keywords in radical geography: Antipode at 50. Oxford: Wiley, 50-55

Peck J, Werner M, Lave R and Christophers B (2018) Out of place: Doreen Massey, radical
geographer. In M Werner, J Peck, R Lave & B Christophers (eds) Doreen Massey: critical dialogues. Newcastle upon Tyne: Agenda Publishing, 1-38

Peck J (2017) Uneven regional development. In D Richardson, N Castree, M Goodchild, W Liu, A Kobayashi & R Marston (eds) The Wiley-AAG international encyclopedia of geography. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 7270-7282

Peck J (2016) Macroeconomic geographies. Area Development and Policy 1(3): 305-322

Peck J (2016) We are all Keynesians again … and always? Dialogues in Human Geography 6(2): 135-145

Zhang J and Peck J (2016) Variegated capitalism, Chinese-style: regional models, multi-scalar constructions. Regional Studies 50(1): 52-78

Peck J and Zhang J (2013) A variety of capitalism … with Chinese characteristics? Journal of
Economic Geography
13(3): 357-396

Peck J (2013) For Polanyian economic geographies. Environment and Planning A 45(7): 1545-1568

Peck J (2013) Disembedding Polanyi: exploring Polanyian economic geographies. Environment and Planning A 45(7): 1536-1544

Peck J (2013) Polanyi in the Pilbara. Australian Geographer 44(3): 243-264

Peck J (2013) Excavating the Pilbara: a Polanyian exploration. Geographical Research 51(3):227-242

Peck J (2012) Economic geography: island life. Dialogues in Human Geography 2(2): 113-133

Peck J (2012) On the waterfront. Dialogues in Human Geography 2(2): 165-170

Peck J, Barnes TJ and Thrift N (2012) The travels of Environment and Planning A. In TJ Barnes, J Peck & NJ Thrift (eds) Environment and Planning, volume A: cities and regions. London: Sage, xxv-xliii

Sheppard E, Barnes TJ and Peck J (2012) The long decade: economic geography, unbound. In TJ Barnes, J Peck & E Sheppard (eds) The Wiley-Blackwell companion to economic geography.
Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 1-24

Vidal M and Peck J (2012) Sociological institutionalism and the socially constructed economy. In TJ Barnes, J Peck & E Sheppard (eds) The Wiley-Blackwell companion to economic geography.
Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 594-611

Peck J and Sheppard E (2010) Worlds apart? Engaging with the World Development Report 2009: reshaping economic geography. Economic Geography 86(4): 331-340 [special issue]

Peck J and Theodore N (2007) Variegated capitalism. Progress in Human Geography 31(6): 731-772

Barnes TJ, Peck J, Sheppard E and Tickell A (2007) Methods matter: transformations in economic geography. In A Tickell, E Sheppard, J Peck & TJ Barnes (eds) Politics and practice in
economic geography
. London: Sage, 1-24

Foster J, Muellerleile C, Peck J and K Olds (2007) Circulating economic geographies: citation patterns and citation behaviour in economic geography, 1982-2006. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 32(3): 295-312