Drozdz M and Peck J (2024) Une rencontre avec … Jamie Peck. Annales de géographie 758: 106-110 [in French]

Peck J and Siqueira H (2024) Geografias do desenvolvimento desigual: entrevista com Jamie Peck. Revista Geografias 20(1): 517-543 [in Portuguese]

Dawes S and Peck J (2020) Contextualizing neoliberalism: an interview with Jamie Peck. In S Dawes & M Lenormand (eds) Neoliberalism in context: governance, subjectivity and
Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 289-30

Pernasetti F and Peck J (2020) Neoliberalismo realmente existente, estruturas de poder e ação política: uma conversa com Jamie Peck. [Actually existing neoliberalism, power structures and political action: a conversation with Jamie Peck] e-metropolis 42(11): 62-69 [in Portuguese]

Peck J and Xu N (2019) Breaking away from the debilitating market/state dichotomy: interviewing Professor Jamie Peck on political economy and Karl Polanyi. Beijing Guihua Jianshe [Beijing Planning Review] 2019(2): 190-196 [in Mandarin and English]

Brogan P, Brenner N, Peck J and Theodore N (2012) Neoliberalization and the matrix of action: in conversation with Neil Brenner, Jamie Peck, and Nik Theodore. Alternative Routes 24: 183-198

Pasti A, Pereira Duarte Silva L, Steda M, Nabarro W and Peck J (2012) Entrevista Jamie Peck. Boletim Campineiro de Geografia 2(2): 364-383 [in Portuguese]