
Screen Shot 2015-11-29 at 6.47.30 PMPeck J, Meulbroek C and Anguelov D (2024) Hong Kong’s new
normal: remaking authorized discourses of “special administration,” 2017-2022. Environment & Planning C: Politics and Space

Anguelov D, Peck J, Zhang J and Su X (2024) Rezoning at the threshold of two systems: regionalized party-statecraft in China’s Greater Bay Area. Regional Studies 58(3): 565-582

Peck J, Bok R and Zhang J (2023) Hong Kong—a model on the rocks. Territory, Politics, Governance 11(1): 100-119

Meulbroek C, Peck J and Zhang J (2023) Bayspeak: narrating China’s Greater Bay Area. Journal of Contemporary Asia 53(1): 95-123

Ebner N and Peck J (2022) Fantasy island: Paul Romer and the multiplication of Hong Kong. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 46(1): 26-49

Peck J (2022) Confessions of a recovering régulation theorist. In B Hillier, R Phillips & J Peck (eds) Regulation theory, space, and uneven development: conversations and challenges. Vancouver: 1984press, 169-188

Peck J (2021) Milton’s paradise: situating Hong Kong in neoliberal lore. Journal of Law and Political Economy 2(1): 189-211

Peck J (2020) Culture club: creative cities, fast policy, and the new symbolic order. In L Kong & A de Dios (eds) Geographies of creativity. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 37-53

Baker T, Smith MP, Roy A, McCann E, McGuirk P, Mountz A, Peck J and Theodore N (2016) Reading Jamie Peck and Nik Theodore’s Fast Policy: experimental statecraft at the thresholds of neoliberalism. Political Geography 53: 89-99

Peck J and Theodore N (2015) Paying for good behavior: cash transfer policies in the wild. In A Roy & ES Crane (eds) Territories of poverty. Athens: University of Georgia Press, 103-125

Peck J and Theodore N (2014) On the global frontier of post-welfare policymaking: conditional cash transfers as fast social policy. In P Sandermann (ed) The end of welfare as we know it? Opladen: Barbara Budrich Publishers, 53-70

Peck J and Theodore N (2012) Follow the policy: a distended case approach. Environment and Planning A 44(1): 21-30

Peck J (2011) Geographies of policy: from transfer-diffusion to mobility-mutation. Progress in Human Geography 35(6): 773-797

Peck J (2011) Creative moments: working culture, through municipal socialism and neoliberal urbanism. In E McCann & K Ward (eds) Mobile urbanism: cities and policymaking in the global age. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 41-70

Peck J (2011) Global policy models, globalizing poverty management: international convergence or fast-policy integration? Geography Compass 5(4): 165-181

Peck J and Theodore N (2010) Mobilizing policy: models, methods, and mutations. Geoforum 41(2): 169-174 [Guest editor of special issue]

Peck J and Theodore N (2010) Recombinant workfare, across the Americas: transnationalizing “fast” social policy. Geoforum 41(2): 195-208