All posts by PeinanLi

Some Insights on Business Ethics

Browsing through the news page of Greenpeace, I found an article “Alberta government lays charges against pipeline company following Greenpeace report” pretty authentic and impressive. The gasoline company, Plains Midstream Canada ULC, in the passage was regardless of the environmental damages caused by its faulty sleeve oil spill, nevertheless worried about its reputation demean which might lead to a revenue decrease. It neglected the responsibility company hold to the nature, community and society, and commensurately ruined its long-term renown as an ethical firm. Though the Alberta government eventually punished PMC’s mistake, but as long as a business did not remain its positive impression as a sustainable, responsible, and reliable organization, the reputation it wanted to sustain would only be deteriorative. Through this story, the significance of business ethics was illustrated comprehensively and how essential and influential to a company to be conscientious.

Sep. 10, 2014


Greenpeace Feature story (April 26, 2013). Alberta government lays charges against pipeline company following Greenpeace report. Retrieved fromĀ